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英语翻译时间过得很快,口语课已经接近尾声了,这次的final exam 分成四部分,分别是winter holiday,

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/23 11:25:39
时间过得很快,口语课已经接近尾声了,这次的final exam 分成四部分,分别是winter holiday,excuse,etiquette,looks.
第一部分,winter holiday.Rick 通过展示照片的方式使我们了解到非洲坦桑尼亚的一些风土人情.那里的动物有很多,狮子,斑马,长颈鹿,大象等等.她们的房子是牛屎做的,但一点气味都没有.她们的鞋子用废弃的轮胎做的.她们会通过打猎来获取食物.她们还会做一些工艺品,向前来旅游的游客销售来得到金钱.其中有一张很搞笑的照片是Rick和一个叫Masai的黑人的合照,他说那是他爸爸,不过,没人相信,因为他是一个白人.
第三部分,etiquette,也有behavior的意思.在课本中,大声地在公共场所讲电话是不好的行为,老外一般不读mobile phone 而是cell phone.而公共场合包括餐厅,图书馆,地铁站等等.
英语翻译时间过得很快,口语课已经接近尾声了,这次的final exam 分成四部分,分别是winter holiday,
Time passed quickly,the classes are close to the end,the final exam is divided into four parts,respectively is winter holiday,excuse,etiquette,looks.
The first part,the winter holiday.Rick through the way of showing that we understand that some of the African Tanzania local conditions and customs.There are many animals,the lion,zebra,giraffe,elephant,and so on.Their house is the cow excrement,but a little smell all have no.Their shoes with abandoned tire.They will come by hunting for food.They will also do some handicrafts,to visit sales to get money.Among them are a very funny pictures is Rick and a called Masai black photo,he said it was his father,but no one believed that,because he's a white man.
The second part,excuse,different pronunciation have different meanings.When it read excuse (z),it is an excuse,the reason of meaning.When it read excuse (s),it said sorry to mean.
The third part,etiquette,also have the meaning of behavior.In the text,loudly in public places,the phone is bad behavior,and foreigners don't usually read mobile phone but cell phone.And public places including the restaurant,library,the subway station,etc.
The fourth part,looks.We can through the hair of a person,clothes,age and height to describe.But the hair and can be divided into many types,color and length.