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英语翻译v 背背背 冬至,意味着冬天的到来.意味着寒冷的开始.意味着我们彼此都需要传递温暖.我相信我们每一个人都会像张仲

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/24 14:24:28
v 背背背 冬至,意味着冬天的到来.意味着寒冷的开始.意味着我们彼此都需要传递温暖.我相信我们每一个人都会像张仲景那样.尽自己所能.温暖这个社会.那么我们还会恐惧寒冷么?.我相信..因为爱.此时此刻.我突然想到了一位名人的话.冬天来了.春天还会远吗?The arrival of the winter solstice,means that the winter...Means the beginning of the cold...Means we need to pass each other warm.I believe that each one of us would like zhang zhongjing..As your can.Warm the social...So we'll fear cold?..I believe it..Won't!..Because of love...At the moment.I suddenly thought of a celebrity.Winter is coming.Can spring be far behind?
英语翻译v 背背背 冬至,意味着冬天的到来.意味着寒冷的开始.意味着我们彼此都需要传递温暖.我相信我们每一个人都会像张仲
再问: 修改一下翻译
再答: 这哪是修改啊,这是得重写啊。。。这是机器翻译的吧。。。
再问: 嗯嗯。。对。。帮帮忙
再答: 你是要中译英吗
再答: The Winter Solstice means the arrival of the winter,the beginning of frozen cold and the time that we need to pass warmth to each other.I believe that everybody will act like Zhang Zhongjing who tried his best to make the society full of mildness.
再问: 嗯嗯
再答: Could it still possible for us to be afraid of cold in that way? I believe that the answer is absolutely "no".Because love exist.
再答: It suddenly occurs to me that a famous person once said "If winter comes, can spring be far behind ?"
再答: 采纳啊亲
再答: 谢谢~
再问: 应该我说谢谢。。留个QQ好吗。。。英语不会就问你了
再答: 可以啊。。你留吧,我加你
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