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英语翻译One of the reasons it has seemed so difficult for a pers

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 06:02:56
One of the reasons it has seemed so difficult for a person to change his habits,his personality,or his way of life,has been that heretofore nearly all efforts at change have been directed to the circumference of the self,so to speak,rather than to the center.Numerous patients have said to me something like the following:"If you are talking about ‘positive thinking‘,I‘ve tried that before,and it just doesn‘t work for me." However,a little questioning invariably brings out that these individuals have employed "positive thinking," or attempted to employ it,either upon particular external circumstances,or upon some particular habit or character defect ("I will get that job." " I will be more calm and relaxed in the future." "This business venture will turn out right for me," etc.) But they had never thought to change their thinking of the "self" which was to accomplish these things.
  Jesus warned us about the folly of putting a patch of new material upon an old garment,or of putting new wine into old bottles."Positive thinking" cannot be used effectively as a patch or a crutch to the same old self-image.In fact,it is literally impossible to really think positively about a particular situation,as long as you hold a negative concept of self.And,numerous experiments have shown that once the concept of self is changed,other things consistent with the new concept of self,are accomplished easily and without strain.
英语翻译One of the reasons it has seemed so difficult for a pers
One of the reasons it has seemed so difficult for a person to change his habits,his personality,or his way of life,has been that heretofore nearly all efforts at change have been directed to the circumference of the self,so to speak,rather than to the center.Numerous patients have said to me something like the following:"If you are talking about ‘positive thinking‘,I‘ve tried that before,and it just doesn‘t work for me." However,a little questioning invariably brings out that these individuals have employed "positive thinking," or attempted to employ it,either upon particular external circumstances,or upon some particular habit or character defect ("I will get that job." " I will be more calm and relaxed in the future." "This business venture will turn out right for me," etc.) But they had never thought to change their thinking of the "self" which was to accomplish these things.对于一个人来说,改变其习惯、个性或者生活方式似乎非常困难的原因是多方面的,其中之一就是到目前为止,几乎所有改变的努力都是针对自我的环境,恕我直言,而不是改变环境之中这个自我中心.不计其数的病人都同我说过类似于下面的话:“如果你正在谈论‘正面思考’的话,我已经尝试过了,那根本就对我不起作用.“然而,一点点质问毫无意外地会让这些人提到已经应用过”正面思考“了,或是应用在特定的外部环境上,或是应用在某个特殊的习惯或是性格缺陷上面了(”我会得到那份工作的.“我以后会更冷静更放松”“那个企业对我来说会合适的,“诸如此类).然而他们过去从未想到改变他们对于”自我“的思考,而这些事情是要通过自我来实现的.  Jesus warned us about the folly of putting a patch of new material upon an old garment,or of putting new wine into old bottles."Positive thinking" cannot be used effectively as a patch or a crutch to the same old self-image.In fact,it is literally impossible to really think positively about a particular situation,as long as you hold a negative concept of self.And,numerous experiments have shown that once the concept of self is changed,other things consistent with the new concept of self,are accomplished easily and without strain.耶稣曾经警告过我们不要做以下的傻事,诸如新布补旧衣,或是旧瓶装新酒.”正面思考“同样不能作为陈旧自我形象的一块补丁或一个拐杖而得以发挥出有效作用.事实上,只要你持有负面的自我观念,那么你对于一个特定情形的思考根本不可能是正面积极的.而且,无数的实验已经表明一旦自我观念得到改变,与新自我观念相关的所有其他事情都会如同探囊取物一般轻易得以完成.