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英语翻译Abstract:In the long history,the diet is essentialfor hu

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 16:35:58
Abstract:In the long history,the diet is essential
for human survival and development,one of the basic content of social life.
However,each country in which geographical,environmental,and cultural and
ethnic customs,which has a different concept of diet and dietary practices,
and ultimately the formation of the differences in food culture.With the global
economic and cultural development,intercultural communication is more and more
frequently,the difference between
Chinese and Western cultures to promote the cultural differences of Chinese and
Western food,and this difference from the Western way of thinking and
philosophy.This article by the simple exposition of the Chinese and Western
food culture.
Key words:East
and West; food culture; differences 1.Difference in concepts to diet As opposed
to emotional people,Westerners are more rational,more scientific concept of
diet.Nutritional value of food they put in the first one,they focus on the
food contains protein,fat,calories and vitamins,in particular,pay attention
to the nutrient content of food with appropriate,whether the supply of
calories just right,and these nutrients can eaters fully absorbed,with or
without other side effects,try to keep the juice and natural nutrition of the
food,rather than the pursuit of food color,smell,taste,shaped perfectly.
They rarely or hardly linked to diet and spiritual enjoyment.In the diet
reflects a strong practical and utilitarian purpose.Westerners believe that
diet is the only means of survival to feed their families to fill their
stomachs only,but it uses a more scientific,standardized and rational way.2.Difference
in manners to diet This "harmony" and "respectively"
cultural identity among the Chinese and Western food culture is also evident.
Western cuisine,in addition to a few Brussels sprouts are vegetables of
various raw materials unrelated fish is fish,steak is steak,even with that in
the disk,which embodies the "Western weight of social and cultural.This
weight,respectively,the social and cultural is also reflected in the dining
style.Westerners pursuing Dining System,personality,self-respect.Western
popular buffet is to eat all the lack of the sentiment of the Chinese people
talk of celebrating together.Chinese people have always "and"
integration "is the most wonderful realm of music,pay attention to
the" music "," chimed "medical advocate" body ",
gas and hope that the country's political will to achieve the harmonious
".OK,said the marriage as a "marriage made in heaven",when
all good things gather together,we will praise for the "perfect
match".This "harmony" thinking is reflected in cooking reflects
the flavors harmonize.So the Chinese food in almost every dish should be to
reconcile the two or more raw materials and a variety of spices cooked.Chinese
cooking is called "cooking" delicious produce,is to reconcile.
英语翻译Abstract:In the long history,the diet is essentialfor hu
摘要:在漫长的历史长河中,饮食是必不可少的,对人类的生存和发展,社会生活的基本内容之一.然而,每个国家在地理,环境,文化和民族风情,其中有一个不同的概念,饮食,饮食习惯,饮食文化的差异,最终形成.随着全球经济和文化的发展,跨文化交际,更经常的是,中国文化和西方文化之间的差异,以促进中国和西方的食物,而这种差异来自西方的思想和理念的文化差异.本文简单地阐述了中国和西方饮食文化的关键词:东方和西方饮食文化的差异,差异性的概念,饮食与情绪的人反对,西方人更合理,更科学的饮食观念.营养价值的食物,他们在第一个,他们专注于食品中含有蛋白质,脂肪,热量和维生素,尤其是注意用适当的食品的营养成分,热量的供应是否恰到好处,以及这些营养素可以吃充分吸收,有或没有其他副作用,尽量保持果汁,天然营养的食物,而不是追求食物的色,香,味,形完美.他们很少或几乎不与饮食和精神享受.在饮食上反映了较强的实用性和功利性的目的.西方人认为,饮食是生存的唯一手段来养活自己的家庭,以填补他们的胃只,但它采用了更加科学,规范和合理的方式.2.Difference 在这种“和谐”和“分别为” 文化身份的认同,中国和西方饮食文化礼仪饮食也很明显.西餐,除了少数的抱子甘蓝蔬菜的各种原材料无关的鱼是鱼,牛排是牛排,甚至在磁盘,这体现了“西方社会和文化的重量,这重量,分别,还体现在社会和文化的餐饮风格.西方人追求分餐制,个性,自我尊重.西方流行的自助餐是吃了中国人民的感情缺乏交谈,一起庆祝.中国人民始终以“和” 一体化“的音乐是最美妙的境界,要注意的“音乐”,“遥相呼应”的主张医“身体”,气体和希望,该国的政治意愿,以实现和谐“.”确定“,说一个”婚姻本天成,妙手偶得“,当一切美好的事物聚集在一起的婚姻,我们将赞美的“完美匹配“.这“和谐”的思想体现在烹饪反映了五味调和,所以中国的食品,几乎每道菜应该是调和的两个或两个以上的原料和各种香料煮熟,中国烹饪被称为“烹饪”美味的产生,是调和.