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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/25 17:11:21
,在谓语动词这一方面我还差在什么地方?(由于是我人工打上去的,所以难免会有拼写错误,请见谅。) 1.He moved away from his parents and missed them_____enjoy the exciting life in New York.(D)
A.much so as to B.very much to C.too much to D.enough to
思路:so as to是表目的,而“too much to”是“太----以至于”。所以选(B) 2.She looks forward every spring to _____the flower-lined garden.(D)
A.visit B.paying a vist C.walk in D.walking in
思路:“to walk in”做目的状语。而“to walking in”不能构成非谓语动词形式所以选(B). 3.While shopping ,people sometimes cant't help_______into buying something they dong't really need.(C)
A.to persuade B.persuading C.being persuaded D.be persuaded
思路:这道题我没有思路,但是对于答案的C选项,我认为:“cant't help doing”是情不自禁的做,如果这样的话
这句话的翻译就是:当购物的时候,人们有些时候会情不自禁的被劝说去买一些事实上他们不需要的东西。“情不自禁的被劝”是说不通的啊。 4.The picture,______by Picasso in his youth,created a sensation.(D)
A.painting B.to paint C.painted D.having painted
思路:逗号之间的部分做“picture”定语。而且是被动,表示动作已完成,所以选(C)。 5.When they had it ______to them again,the students could understand the point of the experiment.(C)
A.explain B.to explain C.explained D.to be explaining
思路:“使役动词后的宾语补足语成分常用TO DO不定式来承担。”这是语法书上的一句话,所以选B,但是B少一个被动。然后我就不知道怎么办了。
6.Some parents make their teenage childern______.(D)
A.to wear certain clothes B.doing hosework C.to have come home at a certain time D.tidy their own rooms
思路:“使役动词后的宾语补足语成分常用TO DO不定式来承担。”这是语法书上的一句话,所以选A 7.The artist wants his paintings______in the gallery,but we don't think they'd be very popular.(D)
A.to display B.to be displaying C.to have displayed D.displayed
思路:句子的逻辑主语是“WE”前面的主语是“ARTIST”所以这应该是一个独立主格结构。应该填“to be displayed”.但是为什么"TO DO"会被
解题思路: 非谓语动词
1.He moved away from his parents and missed them_____enjoy the exciting life in New York.(D)
A.much so as to B.very much to C.too much to D.enough to
2.She looks forward every spring to _____the flower-lined garden.(D)
A.visit B.paying a vist C.walk in D.walking in
答:如果B加上一个介词to,也是正确的;look forward to + doing是期待的意思;故D正确。
3.While shopping ,people sometimes cant't help_______into buying something they dong't really need.(C)
A.to persuade B.persuading C.being persuaded D.be persuaded
4.The picture,______by Picasso in his youth,created a sensation.(D)
A.painting B.to paint C.painted D.having painted
答:这个题应该是答案错了。D是现在分词的完成式,表示主动与完成双重意义。C是过去分词,用的是被动含义。故C是正确的。再,如你所言,D选项改成“having been painted”是最佳的选项/。
5.When they had it ______to them again,the students could understand the point of the experiment.(C)
A.explain B.to explain C.explained D.to be explaining
答:这个题用的是have sth done的用法。请注意语法书是用的是“常用”,而没说一定用。什么时候那样的说法是正确的呢?在这种情况下,have sb. (to) do sth,have加sb作宾语,加省略to的动词不定式作宾语的补足语。
6.Some parents make their teenage childern______.(D)
A.to wear certain clothes B.doing hosework C.to have come home at a certain time D.tidy their own rooms
答:这个题,如上所述,把have改成make是一样的。只有make sb do sth,和make sth. done的用法,而没有其它的。
7.The artist wants his paintings______in the gallery,but we don't think they'd be very popular.(D)
A.to display B.to be displaying C.to have displayed D.displayed
思路:句子的逻辑主语是“WE”前面的主语是“ARTIST”所以这应该是一个独立主格结构。应该填“to be displayed”.但是为什么"TO DO"会被
答:(1)把上题改成这样才是独立主格结构“The artist ______ his paintings displayed in the gallery, we don't think they'd be very popular.”
A. want B. wanting C. wants D. wanted
(2)注意want sb to do sth是正确的,而want sth.to do sth则是错误的;一般得是want sth.done。