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求英语翻译不要找个机器来翻一下,大致翻一下就可以了,谢谢Dearest In Christ ,Greetings to

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/10 23:19:30
Dearest In Christ ,
Greetings to you in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ, i am very happy for your response to my mail, well i am not afriad of the death because i knows where i am heading to, my only problem is to see the desire of my late husband come to accomplishment now that i am alive, so dearly one in Christ i want you to assure me that you will never let the trust i have in you down, that you will use the fund accondingly to the will of the Almighty God.

I know you are surprise in receiving this letter, but as a servant of the living God, you should know that our ways is not his ways, my Bible tells me that God works in many ways and all things works out for good to them that believed in Christ Jesus, all i need from you is to assure me that you will never betray the trust i am trying to entrust in your hand for the work of God, you may asked me how i got across your email, the bilbe said that who is me is greater than who of the world, the Holy Spirit that leads me to you will never let us down only if you can beleive with faith.

Please, I want you to understand that this benevolence is in fulfilment of the desire and decision of my late husband which I am persuaded to actualize,this fund is desiginated for humanitarian and Charity services with special emphasis, which must be disbursed with every appropriation, accountability and prudence to the glory of God.

I will want you to send to me your full names and address to enable me swear an affidavit on oath on your behalf that will officially and legally approve you as the new beneficiary to this fund, so that even if i am no more, your claim to the fund will not be in doubt. I will be sending you the certificate of deposit of this fund immediately after the affidavit is ready.

I will want you to kindly be fast on your arrangement on how the fund will be transfered to you before the fall of the crises in Ivory Coast, since the political affair has affected their economy. Infact, the saints have been fasting and praying for peace for the country since the attacked of the rebels.

Ensure you reply this letter and the needed information immediately for the proccess of this transaction on your behalf.
Most Important: I will like this to be so confidential and sincerelity, also bear in mind that can not call you on phone, all our comminucation will be via-email because of my late husband relatives.
Thanks and may God bless us all.
Sister Rita Williams.

Note: I have attached the photo of my myself.I will be glad to have yours if possible
求英语翻译不要找个机器来翻一下,大致翻一下就可以了,谢谢Dearest In Christ ,Greetings to
Dearest In Christ ,
以万能的主之名向你问候,非常高兴你能回我的邮件,我并不畏死因我知道我正在将亡途中, 我唯一的问题是在我还活着的时候看到我的前夫有所成就, 所以, 我希望你能向我保证你将永不让我对你的信任失望, 你将把这笔基金用于万能的神的意志.
我知道你收到封信会很吃惊, 但是作为神的仆人, 你应该知道我们的方式并不是神的方式, 圣经 告诉我神用各种方法做事,并且所有的事情的结果以信主的人们来说都是好的. 我对你所有的要求就是向我保证你将永不背叛我对你将服务于神的信任. 你可能会问我是怎么知道你的邮箱的, 圣经 说神比世界更伟大, 如你能忠诚信仰于神,将我引导给你的圣灵将永不让我们失望.
真的, 请理解这善行是完成我来实现我前夫的愿望和决定,本基金是为人道主义和慈善服务的特殊目标而设, 每一笔拨款的发放,都会增添神的光辉.
我想请你把你的全名和地址发送给我, 使我可以代你作宣誓证书,正式并合法的批准你为新的基金受益人. 所以到时即使我已不在,你的基金认领也不存疑问.
我想请你尽快安排如何在象牙海岸秋天危机之前把基金转交给你,因为政治事件影响了他们的经济. 事实上, 自叛乱以来, 圣徒们一直禁食和为国祈安.
最重要事项: 我愿以保密和真诚的态度来完成此事, 并谨记不能给你打电话,我们所有的沟通都是通过电邮来完成, 因为我前夫的哪些亲戚们.
附: 我附送了我的照片给你, 如果可能得到你的照片我将会非常高兴.
--------------------呵呵,很象是某种骗局的感觉, 不要上鬼子的当哦!
当然, 如果是为国争光,很好!