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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/24 09:22:09
Time!But what dose this word mean ? We born ,we live ,we die ,and think that
all this happens in time ,as if time were something large ,high ,wide ,and deep ;
as if it were an immense sphere ,in which all the shining worlds revolve ,and which contains
life ,death,and this earth as the blue sea contains the fishes courting and swimming togeth-er .what we have done already we call past ;what we are doing is called present ;and what
we are about to do or intent doing we speak of as future .But all this is within us ,not outside us,What is past is stored in our menory,what is present holds our attention ,and what
is to come is contained in our hopes and expectation .
we alway* **pect something ;our life is spent in expectation ;I might say that life
itself is an expectation .We think that a time will come and is bound to come ,when our
expectation will be fulfilled .On some occasions the satisfation and fulfillment of our
hopes seem to depends on us and that we can either shorten or lengthen it.
We divide time into epochs ,centuries,years ,and names to these fanciful divisions ,
regarding then as something real in themselves and outside our consciousness .We believe
that we have really mearsured time ,and infact there is nothing outside our consciousness;
there is nothing outside our books ,in which we write down our thoughts ,our illusions,and
our empty words .Time is nothing in itself ;it is not a reality ,an essence ,but a idea in
man ,a word in a book ,a cut on a stone .
Dear,dear mother ,while saying :time is eternity ...Men waste eternity by wasting time
,perhaps you were telling a great truth ,and perhaps your simple mind reached father than the philosophers!One who was great in his nation and righteous before God ,prayed saying :
teach us so to number our days ,that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.
I notied a resemblance between genius and simple minds;it is to them that truth is
revealed,the former attain it by the strength of their mind ,the latter by their heart and
love ,Mediocre men are no men .
时间 !但这个词又有什么涵义呢?我们出生了,生活着,然后死去,而所有这一切都按时地发生着,似乎时间如此宽大而高深,似乎又是在一个浓密的球体之中,蕴含着一切的耀眼与明媚,并蕴含着生死,一如蔚蓝的大海里蕴育着悠游嬉戏的鱼儿般.已做的事,我们称为“过去”,还在做的事,我们称为“现在”
.时间被划分为纪元,世纪,年,而对这些稀奇古怪划分的命名却是由其本身而定的,超乎我们的意识之外.; 我相信我们确定测量了时间,并.没有超越我们的意识范畴.所有的东西都在书里,书里面有思想、幻想及空洞的词藻.时间本身并无意义,时间不是现实,没有本质,而只是存于人心的意念,留于书本的词语,刻于岩石的印记.亲爱的母亲,当您说“时间是永恒”时,人们却正在浪费着时间,磨灭着永恒,也许您说的是伟大的真理,也许您天真而朴素的思想甚而超越哲学家.一个民族及正义的伟大之人,在上帝面前祈求道: