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紧急 请帮我写的小文章 中翻英 翻越简单易懂越好

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 11:22:13
紧急 请帮我写的小文章 中翻英 翻越简单易懂越好
以下句子 请帮我翻通顺 可以帮我把一些不必要的句子删简掉
尽量翻的意思越简单越好 另外我第一段 好像有点少了什麼 请帮我改一下
The main idea expressed in this story is ayoung man’s horrible experience by a fake story with a young girl fake action.Thisexperience cause this man gat scare in his life.People should stop trusting any unknown people in their lifebecause they never know what’s real or not,what’s the truth or lie.
Body paragraph
作者使用了讽刺irony 讽刺人们愚昧的相信而欠缺实证精神.
尤其是主角被小女孩骗倒的情节主角Framton 到人不生地不熟的乡下静养,对邻居生活都不知道不清楚,所以并不能清楚知道MRS.SAPPLETON是否健在.这是故事中的关键也是伏笔)在故事中窗是打开的,而且小女孩早知姨丈即将归来,并且了脚阿姨每次等待姨丈归来的行动也因此这样後来SAPPLETON等待丈夫的反应加强了女孩故事的真实性,这是女孩故事成立的最後一个关键也因为这样所以Framton就这样相信并且被吓到逃跑了
在故事中 setting 是非常清楚的作者把故事设定成多雨的十月,并且光线模糊的薄暮时分所以让女孩编的故事非常成功.
紧急 请帮我写的小文章 中翻英 翻越简单易懂越好
This story isabout a young man’s horrible experience caused by a fictitious story and ayoung girl’s feign action.The experience resulted in this man living afrightening life.One should not simply trust any stranger because you neverknow whether his story is true or not.
The author adoptsthe irony style to mock the people who just believe others foolishly without theverifying spirit.In the story,Mrs.Sappleton unceasingly talks about the topicsof hunting and the beautiful scenery of the lakeside in winter; despite feelingterrified and
the mounting anxiety,Framton does not express his displeasure.From a number of examples,such as ”hethought about it suspiciously for more than once”,“Framton changed an idea”,“Hetried not to indulge in this dreadful topic”,“personally,he could accepttalking to strangers or to people he just met about the cause of his sicknessand the curing method”,it can be concluded that the protagonist is a personwho believes other people easily because he is a reserved,neurotic and verysensitive man; when confronted with virtual illusions,his attitude tends toelude,rather than to prove and verify.That’s why when he sees Mr.Sappletonand company,he does not even have the courage to find out the truth,hecompletely believes the girl’s story and acting and thus he is frightened bythe ghost story.
The author alsoapplies foreshadowing to describe the plot where the protagonist is deceived bythe girl.Framton goes to a totally unfamiliar countryside for a quiet convalescence;he hasn’t the slightest knowledge about his neighbors’ lives,that’s why hedoesn’t know whether or not Mrs.Sappleton is still alive and this is the keyand foreshadowing of the story.According to the story,the window of the houseis open,the girl knows in advance that her uncle is about to return,and shealso understands what her aunt,Mrs.Sappleton will do whenever her unclereturns home.It is exactly this reaction by Mrs.Sappleton that has enhancedthe veracity of the girl’s story and the final key to the authenticity of herstory; that is why Framton is convinced,frightened and he flees.
The author clearlyunderstands the setting of the story when he puts it in rainy October,and setsthe time at dusk when the dim light blurs everything,this helps to make thegirl’s story so successful.
The authorarranges “Mr.Sappleton and company went for hunting and did not return”,thechoice of October is very suitable.Besides,this is a relatively warm month ofthe year,so it is quite normal that the houses’ windows are open.If the timewere to prolong for one or two more months,the weather will turn cold,thechances of opening windows are reduced,so the girl’s story will fail.Octoberat nightfall,the light is dim,everything at a distance looks hazy.In orderto see clearer,Framton has to focus on the approaching figures.When they arecloser and becoming clearer,he realizes it is Mr.Sappleton who is supposed tobe dead; particularly,he is wearing a white raincoat,just like the image of aghost,so Framton panics and flees.
The story tellsus that it is dangerous to simply believe in an unknown person,it is terribleto fall into a lie trap.So when making contact and talking to unfamiliarpeople,it is better to
get ready mentally and beon guard,don’t easily believe what you are told.