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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/07 05:27:38
Nowadays,globalisation is growing rapidly,which influences the development of business where enterprise internationalisationemerges.Although globalisation homogenizes people’s preference throughoutthe world,each country’s cultural is deep-rooted.The cultural differencesamong countries have significant impact on the internationalisation of anenterprise,which encourages their internationalisation or prevents.Internationalisation of a companycan be achieved through merging and OFDI (outward foreign direct investment),but transnational operation of a company tends to be influenced by the culturaldifferences.The disadvantage caused by the cultural differences is the culturallyrisk that cultural conflict brings to the development strategy of the internationalisationof a company.This increases the cost of transnational operation,but your understandingof the cultural traits of the host country will well facilitate the internationalisationof the company.The United States and China are culturally different,thereforewe have different enterprise cultures.In the process of enterprise internationalisation,both the companies in China and the US have its own traits ininternationalisation,and their development is significantly influenced by theirculture.Through the analysis,this paper argues that the cultural conflictsand integrating capability of transnational operation of a company is the keyfactor that impacts the success of the internationalisation of the company.Thedifferences of companies’ values,background and the lack of effective communicationare the critical reasons that lead to the enterprise cultural conflicts.The practiceof cross-culture operation is fundamental to the success of an international company.It is also significant to the implement of the strategy of enterprise internationalization.Based on the previous studies of other researchers,this paper focuses on thefact of companies in China and the US,and provides suggestions to the solutionof the cultural conflicts in the internationalization of a company.
英语翻译现如今,全球化的速度在加快,企业的发展也受到了影响,即产生了企业国际化.虽然,全球化的趋势让全球民众的爱好趋同, 英语翻译摘 要随着市场经济的深入发展以及经济全球化速度的加快,企业的跨国经营越来越普遍.在企业的国际化经营发展战略中,文 英语翻译浙江民营企业走向国际化是经济全球化的必然趋势,是企业发展到一定阶段的必然选择.浙江民营企业虽然具有行政约束少、自 英语翻译随着经济全球化及市场竞争力度的加剧,许多企业加快了信息化的步伐,以提升企业的竞争力.企业在实现会计信息化之后,会 英语翻译企业的发展逐渐走向国际化,商务英语、国际贸易相关专业的人才需求也渐渐加大.经济全球化的浪潮把企业卷入国际的大舞台 英语翻译由于经济全球化的速度加快,贸易国际化的程度加深,企业之间的竞争也变得日益激烈,这种竞争实质是供应链与供应链之间的 英语翻译当金融危机席卷全球,他的企业也受到了较大影响. 英语翻译摘要 现如今,企业国际化过程中所面临的发展问题的研究受到了越来越多的学者重视,更受到企业家亟待关注,但遗憾的是, 英语翻译发展第三方物流已经是经济全球化的必然趋势。发展第三方物流是企业适应新经济条件下竞争的需要,也对提高 英语翻译近年来,面对经济的全球化发展,国际化经营已经成为许多企业走出国门的必然选择.因为,只有参与国际化经营,才能充分享 英语翻译在世界经济日益全球化、竞争日益国际化的时代背景下,企业人才竞争日趋激烈,民营企业人才流失现象也随之加剧.据统计, 英语翻译随着全球贸易、跨国公司的飞速发展.世界经济全球化的趋势不可逆转,会计国际化已成为世界各国普遍关注的现实问题.本文