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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/24 19:15:26
After this article will analyze China to enter the world accountant the environment the new change which will face in each aspect namely:Facing the significant economy which soon arrives transforms,accountant which urges our country the market must face the internationalization the direction reform; More perfect our country accountant standardized legal system; The science and technology unceasing enhancement,overseas social culture idea unceasing permeating impetus social economy development at the same time also impels accountant's development.Joins WTO after China,accountant the environment in above several aspects transformation,will urge accountant the profession development effectively to melt into to the world accountant's development track,finally will form two inevitable trends which accountant will develop:1st,the capital market internationalization and multinational corporation's development mutually is the function,the internationalization has provided a broader space for accountant.China unceasingly is reducing Chinese accountant the standard and international accountant the criterion difference,safely accelerates our country accountant the internationalization advancement; 2nd,technical and so on computer,communication flourishing more and more daily with the fusion,the Internet popularization applies and develops,finally will be able to realize the accounting information globalization standardization,the universalization.Based on new accountant the environment,clearly recognized the future accountant's development tendency,after accountant the profession will carry on the various reform to adapt the huge challenge which into the world will face.
英语翻译本文分析了中国入世后会计环境在各个方面将面临的新变化即:面对即将到来的重大经济变革,促使我国的会计市场必须朝向国 英语翻译新会计准则对我国所得税会计的理论与实务产生了重大影响,在新的条件下,探讨如何进行所得税会计处理,对于提高会计信息 英语翻译重点分析了新准则下所得税会计理论在核算方面及会计计量方面的变化,同时针对新准则在实际运用中的所得税会计核算实务上 英语翻译【摘要】经历了13个春秋的“入世”谈判,如今加入WTO已指日可待.入世将促使中国融人经济全球化的洪流,为中国经济 英语翻译随着计算机技术、网络技术的蓬勃发展,人类社会经济、政治、文化等生活的各方面发生了巨大变革,会计环境在网络下也发生 英语翻译我国会计监督现状及其发展内容提要 摘要:本文分析了我国会计监督的现状,对存在的相关问题提出一些措施,从社会、国家 英语翻译电子商务环境下物流业发展面临新的机遇与挑战,本文在分析电子商务环境下我国物流业目前面临的问题和我国物流业现状,通 英语翻译会计职业道德是会计人员应当遵守的行为规范.本文结合我国会计职业道德建设的现状,对在当前形势下我国会计职业道德建设 英语翻译摘要本文以火电厂环境会计成本核算为研究对象,全面分析以火电厂为例的我国企业如何更好的实施环境会计的成本核算.初步 英语翻译[摘要]本文剖析了我国会计行业职业道德缺失的现状、原因,并提出了会计职业道德的构建途径[关键词] 会计职业道德 英语翻译内容摘要:本文通过对会计学科的特征,发展变化等论述,进一步说明了会计的重要性,在当今社会会计学科在国际上的发展趋 英语翻译史瓦布说,中国使用市场扭曲的补贴造成了不公平竞争条件,面对中国无法履行入会承诺,美国将运用所有可能的工具促使中国