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英语翻译请高人帮我翻译一段文字 要求汉译维,用阿拉伯文字写(不要拉丁文字),急用,翻译好请发到我邮箱jannkyoko@

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 17:23:34
请高人帮我翻译一段文字 要求汉译维,用阿拉伯文字写(不要拉丁文字),急用,翻译好请发到我邮箱jannkyoko@tom.以下是文字:
由前言,雕塑 《兵团人》,一兵团进军新疆路线图及新疆生产建设兵团各师各团场分布图,兵团14个师简介,1952年毛泽东主席向驻疆部队发布的命令,及国务院白皮书《新疆的历史与发展》组成的序厅气势恢弘.
基本陈列分为:铸剑为犁、艰苦创业、激情燃烧 五湖四海兵团人、“三个队”的作用、继往开来铸辉煌、伟大创举六大部分组成.共展出实物1000余件,图片900余幅.以实物、图片、史料文字为主、利用声光电等特效手法,结合多媒体、油画、微缩场景、雕塑、硅胶人物相结合的形式再现了兵团创建、发展的全过程,突出了创业的艰辛及党中央几代领导集体对兵团事业的支持与关心.充分展示了在半个世纪的奋斗中,兵团儿女用自己的青春、热血和生命,凝成的“热爱祖国,艰苦奋斗,无私奉献,开拓奋进”的兵团精神和新时期兵团各项事业所取得的辉煌成就,有力的证明新疆生产建设兵团是 “新疆经济建设、民族团结、社会稳定、保卫边防的一支重要的力量”.同时向世人昭示,21世纪,极富开拓创新意识的兵团人,在改革开放的时代浪潮推动下,正以自己的聪明才智,描绘出一幅幅更加绚丽多彩的图画.兵团将站在改革开放的前沿,扬起生命的绿色风帆,创造出更加灿烂的人类辉煌.
英语翻译请高人帮我翻译一段文字 要求汉译维,用阿拉伯文字写(不要拉丁文字),急用,翻译好请发到我邮箱jannkyoko@
Museum of Xinjiang Merino second exhibition hall by the order, the basic display of two major components.
From the Preface, sculpture, "Corps" and a corps of Xinjiang into the roadmap and the Division of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, the mission field was the Corps 14 divisions profiles, Chairman Mao Zedong in 1952 issued orders to the troops in Xinjiang, and the State Council White Paper " History and Development of Xinjiang "sequence consisting of the Office of momentum.
Basic display is divided into: swords into plowshares, hard work, passion burning all over the country people Corps, the "three forces" of the role and future of Glory, a great pioneering undertaking six major components. A total of more than 1,000 pieces of physical display, images of more than 900 pieces. In kind, pictures, historical text-based, using sound and light and other special effects techniques, combined with multi-media, painting, miniature scenes, sculptures, silica gel combination in the form of figures reproduced Corps created, the development of the entire process, highlighting the pioneering work hard and party generations of leadership of the Corps, the central cause of the support and care. Fully demonstrated in the half century of struggle, the Corps with their own children, youth, blood and life, cemented the "love the motherland, hard work, dedication, and keep forging ahead" of the Corps, the cause of the spirit and made BINGTUAN the brilliant achievements, a strong proof of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps is "Xinjiang's economic construction, national unity, social stability, protect the border of an important power." At the same time demonstrate to the world in the 21st century, full of pioneering and innovative spirit of the Corps who, in the era of reform and opening up the wave of promotion, is to their wisdom and paint a picture depicting a more colorful. Corps will stand in the forefront of reform and opening up, raised the green life sailing, to create a more brilliant brilliant man.