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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 18:43:36
The competition of commercial is unfamiliar for all of us, the commercial secrets is the most important part in the competition of commercial. It’s the most core and most important for the each company and each enterprise. Through clear describe about the legal protection to the commercial secrets, the social will take more concern on the protection of the law in commercial secrets and relation information. To promote the healthy development on the commercial and do more favor to our country’s economic construction. The commercial secret rights is a new kind of intellectual property rights, and so popular among the people in the modern times. With the development of our market economy, the competition of market is becoming increasingly fierce and so does the enterprise. To keep the top situation among the every enterprise, we must keep its unique commercial secrets is an effect measures, it’s the key to decide the success or failure about the enterprise. Therefore, we have to take commercial secrets protection into the legal circle to maintain the operation of the market. I will introduce the concept, the nature and my recognition of this. The main contents as follows, taken as legal conception, commercial secrets first came out in 1991’s Code of Civil Procedure. And in 1993, the existence of Anti-Unfair Competition Law finally confirmed the system to protect the commercial secrets.
英语翻译商业的竞争一直是不为大众所熟知的,商业竞争中,商业秘密尤其重要.对各个公司和企业都是最核心的,最重要的,我希望通 英语翻译浅谈商业秘密的保护摘 要:在现代商业竞争中,“商业秘密”成为能给经营者带来巨大竞争优势的“秘密武器”.因而,对商 英语翻译摘要随着市场经济的发展,商业秘密在企业竞争中占有越来越重要的地位.企业通过商业秘密随带来的价值和优质地位,在市场 英语翻译竞争应该对每个人都是平等的,男人也罢,女人也罢.强者存,弱者汰.她的做法正是现代社会中商业竞争的写照. 形容商业竞争激烈的成语 关于商业竞争的 4种 方式. 辩论赛正方:企业之间核心竞争是人才的竞争.反方:企业之间核心竞争是文化竞争争. 英语翻译乙方应当保守甲方的商业秘密,商业秘密系指不为公众所熟知,能给甲方带来经济效益,具有实用性并经甲方采取保密措施和经 英语翻译经过了改革开放20多年,中国经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高,企业之间的竞争由产品竞争、质量竞争演变为品牌的竞争, 英语翻译随着我国现代市场经济的发展,商业信用的推行,赊销作为一种竞争手段其应用越来越广泛,企业的应收账款随之日益增多,已 英语翻译中小企业网络营销的应用策略研究当今世界经济正以势不可挡的趋势朝着全球市场一体化、企业生存数字化、商业竞争国际化的 英语翻译无论是对劳动者还是企业来说,工资管理问题无疑都是最关注的问题之一,同时,工资也是现代企业不可或缺的激励手段和竞争