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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 05:50:10
56. One should not talk about unpleasant subjects 【for A】 a social gathering. 【Also B】, we should avoid any subject that 【might C】 hurt the feelings of the people you are 【with D】.
57. When we sit at the table, we must wait for 【everyone A】 before 【start B】 eating. Sometimes 【you C】 have to wait until the 【head D】 of the family begins eating.
58. Bob has sat at the table for 【a couple of A】 hours and 【drank B】 considerably 【more C】 wine 【than D】 is good for his health.
59. If you 【had gone A】 there to see the match, I'm sure you 【would have enjoyed B】 【to see C】 the Chinese Football Team 【win D】.
60. The 【flour A】, eggs and milk should be 【well B】 mixed 【as C】 it is poured into the 【baking D】 pan.
61. The names Jimmy, Billy and Bobby 【end A】 in 'y' are used 【especially B】 for children, but they often continue 【into C】 【adult D】 life.
62. This book 【costs A】 me five yuan. 【As B】 you have been a good friend to me, you may borrow my book 【as far as C】 you keep it 【clean D】.
63. Of all the works of art 【shown A】in this exhibition hall the thing I like 【more B】 is the 【needle-work C】 【produced D】 by the workers of Shanghai.
64. 【Because A】 some of the representatives 【still B】 not there, the conference is 【put off C】 【until D】 further notice.
65. You've to hurry up if you want to buy something 【because A】 【there's B】 hardly 【something C】 【left D】.
56. [A] at 57. [B] we start
58. [B] drunk 49. [C] seeing
60. [C] before 61. [A] ending
62. [C] as long as 63. [B] most
64. [A] with 65. [C] anything
56.for 表原因,at表地点或时间点,句子本意应为"人不应该在社交聚会上谈论一些令人不愉快的话题"."社交聚会"是地点,因此用at.整个句意是"人不应该在社交聚会上谈论一些令人不愉快的话题,而且我们应该避免做一些伤害与我们在一起的人的感情的事."
57.before引导时间状语从句,因此before后面应该接句子,因此改为"we start"如果不接句子,把start改为非谓语动词形式"starting"也是可以的.句意是"当我们坐在餐桌前,我们必须在每个人都开始吃东西前做出等待.有时你需要等到一家之主开始吃东西的时候(才可以吃)."
58.and连接的是并列成分,句子开头是现在完成时"Bob has sat",因此and后面接的成分也应当是"现在完成时",现在完成时接过去分词,drink的过去分词是"drunk".句意是"鲍勃坐在桌边几个小时而且喝了相当多有益于(不益于)他的健康的酒".拿不准,不好意思……
59.enjoy 后面接v-ing,因此用"seeing".句意是"要是你到那里去看这场比赛,我确信你也会希望看到中国足球队赢的".该句运用了虚拟语气.
61.句意是"以'y'结尾的名字'Jimmy','Billy'和'Bobby' 过去常常用于孩子,但是他们经常会在将来继续使用".ending在此是现在分词作伴随状语,表伴随.
62.as far as意为"至于,直到,远到;就…而言",as long as意为"只要",句意为"这本书花了我五元.当你已经成为我的好友时,只要你能保持书的整洁,你就可以借我的书."
64.because后面应该接句子,如果用because,那么"still not there"应改为"are still not there".with引导的复合结构表原因也表伴随,指在这种前提下.句意为"由于一些代表还不在,会议推迟直到另行通知".
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