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谢绝翻译机器 翻译成语句通顺、条理清晰的中文,上课要用,谢谢,翻得好还会再加悬赏!很急

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/24 16:37:50
谢绝翻译机器 翻译成语句通顺、条理清晰的中文,上课要用,谢谢,翻得好还会再加悬赏!很急
Itwas still a somnolent Sunday morning when the first Japanese plans planesroared down the west coast and the central valley of Oahu to begin theirassault .at 7:53a.m theflight commander ,Mitsou fuchida, sounded the cry “tora! tora!”---the signalthat the attackers had taken the American pacific fleet by surprise .for nearlytwo hours the Japanese planes kept their attack on an unready pacific fleet .ofthe eight battleships in pearl harbor, three were sunkone grounded , onecapsized ,and the others badly battered .altogether nineteen ships were sundand disabled. At the adjoining hickam field and other airfields on the islandthe Japanese found planes parked wing to wing ,and destroyed in all about 150ofthem .few were able to get airborne, and Japanese losses numbered fewer thanthirty planes. Before it was over ,the raid had killed more than 2400americanservicemen and civilians ,and wounded 1170 more .the surprise attack fulfilledthe wildest dreams of its planners ,but it fell short of total success in twoways .the Japanese ignored shore installations and oil tanks, without which thesurviving ships might have been forced back to the west coast ,and they missed theAmerican aircraft carriers which were out on mission at the time .in the navalwar to come ,these carriers would be decisive .
Laterthe same day (December 8inthe western pacific )Japanese forces began assaults in Hong Kong and the Malaypeninsula .with one stroke the Japanese had silenced America’s debate ongneutrality ,and a suddenly unified nation prepared for the struggle .the nextday present Roosevelt delivered his war message to congress:
“Yesterday,December 7, 1941—a date which will live infamy---the united states of Americawas suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the empire ofJapan…
”thefacts of yesterday speak for themselves. The people of the United Stateshave already formed their opinions and well understand the implications to thevery life and safety of our nation
Congressvoted for the war resolution unanimously, with the sole exception of rep. Jeanette.Rank in, who was unable in conscience to vote for war in 1917or 1941. forseveral days it was uncertain whether war with axis powers would follow ,but Hitler,impatient with American aid to Britain ,willingly joined his oriental allies.on December 11germany and Italy declared war on the united states . Theseparate wars in Asia and Europe had become aglobal war
谢绝翻译机器 翻译成语句通顺、条理清晰的中文,上课要用,谢谢,翻得好还会再加悬赏!很急
在那个昏沉的星期日早上,日军的第一批战机已从瓦胡岛的西岸沿着中部山谷飞来,开始了它们的攻击.凌晨7:53,随着司令官Mitsou fuchida发出的“虎!虎!”信号,日军突袭了美国太平洋舰队.日军在将近两个小时的对无防备的美舰攻击中,港内8艘军舰,3艘沉没,1艘倾覆,其余重创.总共19艘战舰被毁.在adjoining hickam机场和其它机场,日军炸毁了150余架排列整齐的飞机,没几架来得及升空.而日军仅损失不到30架战机.到攻击结束时,造成总共2400美军及平民死亡,1170人受伤.这个狂野的突袭计划,并不是完美的,它在两个方面是不足的:日军忘了炸船坞和油库,没有了油库和船坞,余下的太平洋舰队只能撤回美国本土西岸.另一方面,日军没能炸掉港内的航空母舰,所有航母当时正出外有任务.而这些航母将在以后的海战中发挥决定性的作用.同一天(12月8日),在西太平洋,日军攻击了香港和马来西亚.就是这个突袭,打破了美国中立立场,瞬间,全美开始动员,投入战斗.第二天,罗斯福总统便在国会发表“对日宣战” “昨天,1941,12月7日,一个臭名昭著的日子---美利坚合众国遭到日本帝国海,空军的蓄意突袭----” “昨天发生的一切,让我们美国人民明白要保卫国家,同仇敌忾.” 国会除了rep.Jeanette.Rankin 投反对票外,一致通过了决议.接下来的几天,正在讨论是否要对所有轴心国宣战时,希特勒早已厌烦美国对英国的援助,12月11日,德国,意大利正式对美宣战,加入了它们的东方盟友.欧洲和亚洲的战事,就这样变成了世界大战.