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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/05 17:22:29
A rare great white shark came to the holiday beach for hunting human beings , there were a lady and a boy dying for it.However,the
alcalde refused to close the beach because of the high income from tourism and he asked the sergeant to keep silent for this event outrage himself's conscience.The sergeant saw people playing around the coast,who knew nothing about the coming dangerous,worrying a lot but helplessly.
Kunte was a professional fish hunter in the town,who was very arrogant to others,and regarded himself as the toppest fisher in the world that can kill a shark easily.He went to sea with the assistants and killed a Minor billhead shark and mistook it for the target .Yet,the real great white shark came at last and became the nightmare of everyone.So the sergeant ,Kunte and the an oceanologist,Martin went to sea again for the great white shark.Kunte insisted on driving a middle type fishing-ship for this sailing and he was so confident about his experience and ability that he took noting into his mind. He realized how horrible the monster they faced until the shark dived into the sea with three barrels.When the shark began to attack the ship and his feet felt the teeth of the shark,I think Kunte really understood the meaning
of the fear and remorse.However it was too late for him to survive,due to his pride and illiteracy.
The monster must be killed,this was the voice of the people and the demond of the society.the sergeant Brown shoot the oxygen can fortunately at last and the huge explosion tore the shark into tiny pieces.The world came to safety because of its death!
The story reliects the greedy and illiteracy of the humanity and the government ,greedy always comes with pride and coolness.When facing the money and the profit,the lives would turn to weakness and helpless,no one would care about you and the one who is really care about you may can not protect you .
自己翻译的 看着给分吧
英语翻译中文在此尽量类同5天内加分翻倍一条罕见的大白鲨来到了度假海滩的海湾吃人,一位女士、一个小男孩为此已经丧命,但是为 英语翻译吉姆是一个十岁大的小男孩,他父母在黑山海湾旁经营一家旅馆.有一天,旅馆来了一位脸上带着刀疤、高大结实的客人,他就 英语翻译在这幅图中,一个小男孩脸上带着明显的愤怒,用力地去踢挡住他路的石头,小男孩已经做出了最大的努力,但是即使他已经汗 我在回家的路上遇见了一位老朋友并聊了很久.为此,我到家的时候已经很晚了.英语翻译 警察说昨天在公交车上一位小偷偷了一位女士的钱包,用英语翻译 英语翻译在车上一个小男孩:“呜-呜-”Rose:"小弟弟,你怎么了?”“呜-呜-”小男孩的妈妈:“他肚子饿了,但是没有食 英语翻译今天是一个适合到海滩去的日子,因此Jason和Paul决定要到海滩去玩,当他们到达海滩时,那里已经十分多人了.有 英语翻译在来到公司之前,我已经拥有了一份让人羡慕的职业,但是因为梦想,我来到了这里,现在了您的面前.我认为成为飞行员是每 英语翻译在一个天气晴朗的一天,一位老人牵着自己养的宠物猴子来到公园散步.可是走着走着,老人忘了已经走了多远.当他看见前方 海里真有象《大白鲨》那样的吃人鲨鱼吗? 英语翻译今天是星期天,阳光明媚,我和我的一些朋友去海滩游玩.在那里,有很多人在度假.有些人在游泳;有些人在打沙滩排球;还 在度假的英语翻译