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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 01:28:20
老板跟他们说:“今天不适宜出海.” Jason问:“为什么?” 老板回答说:“今天会有鲨鱼出没,海上都插了红旗.所以今天最好不要出海”.Jason和Paul失望极了,但是并没有放弃出海的念头,于是他们继续央求老板租船给他们,最后老板只好把船借给他们,并叮咛他们:“不要到太远的地方去.”
Today is one suits the day which goes to the beach,therefore Jason and the Paul decision must arrive at the beach to play,when they arrive at the beach,there already very many people.Some people go shopping,some people in the snack bar to play the water in the seashore,in the beach are crowded,Jason and Paul has played a while water after the seashore,Jason proposed that rents a boat to go to sea.Paul considered that has agreed that therefore they look for boss together the chartering.boss said to them:“is not suitable today goes to sea.” Jason asked:“why?” Boss replied:“will have the shark to appear and disappear today,marine inserted the Red Flag.Therefore today should better not go to sea”.Jason and Paul disappointed extremely,but has not given up the thought which goes to sea,therefore they continue to beg boss the chartering to give them,finally boss has to lend the ship they,and urges them:“do not arrive at the too far place.” they rented the boat to go to sea,they happy were paddling the boat,has forgotten boss's urge completely.They have delimited the sea center to go,suddenly,Paul yells and refers to the sea level:“the shark is touring!We run away quickly!”The shark is close they.Therefore they have made an effort to delimit,finally,they delimit the shore luckily,but they were still afraid,after a while,they then went home.