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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 23:27:47
The Harm of Smoking
Smoking, which may be a pleasure for some people, is a series of discomforts for their fellows. Medicai scientists have expressed their concern about the effect of smoking on the health not only of
those who are smoking but also of those who live in the air polluted by tobacco smoke. And studies show that non-smokers suffer more than the smokers themselves.
A great number of students have joined in trying to persuade the university to forbid smoking. Smoking is not allowed in theatres, cinemas and in other public places. Therefore,smoking must be forbidden in our classrooms.
Although many people have passed away for having smoked a lot and we call on people to give up smoking, yet many more will turn down what we say every day. I think it more important to call on the smoker to use good judgment and to show concern for others.
再问: 中文能给我下吗?
再问: 给我中文就采纳你
再答: 一边待回吧,你耍人要么呢把?什么样吧?你不要英文吗??我是网友好嘛不是翻译家,你自己懒惰不去自己想查字典还别赛?一会儿又中文?别无理取闹好嘛?我看你笨得你一点英文都看不懂把
再答: 人家有诚意回答你本来就是没义务的好吗?你提问我回答我是按你提问的意思回答的懂不懂规矩??如果没有答非所问,所问非所答就是对的,非但不采纳还给我来这套??不信任我发给你好嘛?算我瞎眼回答你我脑子进去帮你这种人?我知道好心回答人这么多了,没碰到像你这样的人一个问题对应一个到位答案是差不多对就是了反而还又转别的问题话题了,都违规??
再问: 第一次用
再答: 我不是专业英语翻译这方面的,不过既然我给别人回答了问题那也是经过深思熟率就觉得对才发给提问者的,没什么把握就不太会发的,我也是参考某些书籍网络文献那里研究显示已经是正确的才给你发过去的知道吗?你以后在追问别的回答者也一样,别人回答你是义务帮助,要规则懂得规范和诚意,不管对与否都是帮忙了都该感谢的