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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/22 01:21:01
后街男孩 (英文:Backstreet Boys,缩写:BSB)是一支美国流行乐组合,1993年于美国佛罗里达州奥兰多市成立,其成员分别为:尼克·卡特(Nickolas Gene Carter)、霍伊·多罗夫(Howie Dorough)、布莱恩·利特尔(Brian Littrell)、Alexander James McLean(亚历山大·詹姆斯·迈克林)和成立之初五位(凯文·理查德森已退出)成员都不过十几岁。至今为止他们已经在美国销售了3800万张唱片,全球销量近9000万张,是自1990年代中期来最受欢迎的男生组合。由于他们在美国当时是较早的一个男孩团体,所以被誉为“男孩团体皇上皇”。
  后街男孩的团名“Backstreet”原是奥兰多市的一个著名跳蚤市场(Backstreet Market)的名字,“Backstreet”这个词的直译是“后街”。在大陆地区对他们的译名是“后街男孩”。
  1993年,来自Florida州的初中生HowieD,A.J.,Nick和来自Kentucty州Lexington市的表兄弟Kevin , Brain (高中生)在一间录音室相遇。他们之前均有过表演经验,其中Nick曾演过肥皂剧。大家一见如故,遂 进行了长谈,结果他决定组建一个乐队--Backstreet Boys。他们开始录制单曲,但推出后在美国本土销量不佳。在这段乐队历史上最困难的 时期他们互相安慰,互相鼓励.他们开始往英国发展(因为英国当时是偶像乐队的发 源地,许多偶像乐队都产生在那里)。
  五个才华洋溢的少年,不仅舞跳得好、长相俊美、更重要的是他们个个是充满音乐天分的奇才。1994年初成军时仍只是初生之犊不畏虎的小毛头,一年之后,他们推出了第一盘同名专辑,迅速在英国窜红,勇夺英国各大排行榜首位,他们以令人耳目一新的歌和优美的和声,成为无数少男少女的偶像。他们乘胜追击, 终于在歌坛高手云集的祖国红了起来,成为众所瞩目的新偶像,他们就是——“后街男孩”!“后街男孩”的五个成员中,Kevin和Brian来自深受音乐及宗教影响的家庭,从小即在教堂圣乐和唱诗班的熏陶下长大,因此练就了一流的灵魂乐合音式唱腔。之后Kevin决定离开家乡出外打拼,先在迪士尼乐园当导游,同时剩余的时间都致力于成为专业的词曲作家。 另外的三名成员,A.J.、Howie、Nick则来自奥兰多。这三个人原本分别活跃 于演艺界,演过音乐剧;拍过电影、电视、广告。有一天,这三个人凑在一起准备替一个新案子试音时,突然发现他们气味相投,于是一拍即合;加上离开家乡出来打天下的Kevin、Brian,五个满怀理想的少年组成一个以优美合音见长的乐团,并以奥兰多最出名的地标为名,“新好男孩”于是诞生!首支单曲“We've go it goin' on”是由Ace of Base的制作人Denniz Pop操刀制作,这首舞曲展现了男孩们活力四射的青春气息,在欧陆方面成绩不俗,在奥地利、瑞士、荷兰、法国等均有打入十名内的嘉绩。接下来的“I'll never break your heart”是首抒情曲,成功地为他们打开了欧洲的知名度。成绩最好的一首单曲则是“Get Down(You are the one for me)”,在国内也由杜德伟翻唱为“发烧”一曲,其惊人的魅力由此可见一斑。 这五个能歌善舞的后街男孩,带着阳光般的笑容,征服全球。首张专辑已获得了四白金,更在舞曲王国的德国、瑞士蝉联冠军.
  就在接下来的几年中,Backstreet boys以他们的实力征服了全世界。
  1996年发行了他们的第一张专辑"Backstreet boys"
  1997年发行了他们的第二张专辑-----"Backstreet's Back"
  2000年11月21日,第四张专辑"Black & Blue"全球同步发行。
  2001年11月,后街男孩发行了自从他们出道以来的第一张精选辑-- "the Greatest Hits - Chapter One"
  2005年6月14日,发行了新专辑"Never Gone"
  2009年9月30日,发行了第二张4人组合的专辑"This Is Us"
  Backstreet Boys (English: Backstreet Boys, abbreviation: BSB) is a combination of American pop music, 1993, Orlando, Florida in the United States was established, its members are as followsNick Carter (Nickolas Gene Carter), Hoy Todorov (Howie Dorough),布莱恩利特尔(Brian Littrell), Alexander James McLean (Alexander James McLean), and was first established five (Super Richardson has withdrawn from the text) members are nothing but a teenager.So far they have sold in the United States 38 million records, worldwide sales of nearly 90 million, since the mid-1990s to the most popular boys mix. Because of their earlier in the United States was a boy groups, so called "boy groups emperor emperor."
  The name of the group Backstreet Boys "Backstreet" was originally a famous flea market in Orlando (Backstreet Market) the name, "Backstreet" the word of the phrase "Back Street." In the mainland for their translation of the "Backstreet Boys."
  In 1993, junior high school students from Florida State HowieD, AJ, Nick, and from the city of Lexington State Kentucty cousin Kevin, Brain (high school) meet in a recording studio. They have had prior acting experience, in which Nick has acted in soap operas. We hit it off, subsequently conducted a long talk a result, he decided to form a band - Backstreet Boys.They began recording singles, but the introduction of poor sales in the United States. In this band the most difficult period in history that they console each other and encouraging each other. They began to the United Kingdom development (because Britain was the birthplace of the band's idols, the band has produced a number of idols in there).
  Five talented youngsters, not only danced well, and looks handsome, but more importantly is that they are full of musical talent everyone in the Wizards.Into the Army in early 1994, when still only a kid afraid of tigers Xiao Maotou a year later, they introduced the first set with the same name album, quickly fame in the UK, won the first major British list, they refreshing song and beautiful harmonies to become the idol of countless boys and girls. They follow up the victory, and finally in the singing master of the country gathered in red, we will become a focus for a new idol, they are - "Backstreet Boys"! "Backstreet Boys" of the five members, Kevin and Brian from the popular music and religious influence of the family, childhood or in the church choir of Sacred Music, and under the influence of growing up, so gain a first-class soul harmonies -style singing. Kevin decided to leave home to go out after work hard, first in Disneyland tour guide, while the remaining time is dedicated to becoming a professional songwriter.The other three members, AJ, Howie, Nick is from Orlando. These three individuals were originally active in the performing arts community, acted in musical; photographed film, television, advertising. One day, these three individuals came together to prepare a new case for an audition when he suddenly found themselves similar goals, so quickly become partners; addition to leave their own fortunes out of Kevin, Brian, 5 full of the ideal composition of a beautiful young co - sound band known for, and to Orlando's most famous landmark in the name of "new boy" was born!The first single, "We've go it goin 'on" by Ace of Base producer Denniz Pop surgeon production, which show the first dance of the youth boys vibrant atmosphere, good record in the European context, In Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands, France and into the 10 are within the Ka Ji. The next "I'll never break your heart" is the first lyrical, successfully opened their popularity in Europe.
  The best result is a single "Get Down (You are the one for me)", also by Alex remake the country as a "fever" song, its amazing charm is obvious. The five sing and dance to the Backstreet Boys, with the sun-like smile, conquer the world. Debut album has received four platinum, but also in the dance music of the Kingdom of Germany, Switzerland reelection title.
  In the next few years, Backstreet boys, with their strength to conquer the world.
  1996 released their first album, "Backstreet boys"
  1997 released their second album -----" Backstreet's Back "
  In 1999, their most successful album "Millennium" released.
  November 21, 2000, the fourth album, "Black & Blue" released simultaneously worldwide
  In November 2001, the Backstreet Boys released their debut since the first since the selection of series - "the Greatest Hits - Chapter One"
  June 14, 2005, issue of the new album "Never Gone"
  In November 2007, issuing a combination of the new album's first four were "Unbreakable"
  September 30, 2009, issue of the 4 combinations of the second album "This Is Us"