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英语翻译上下文:He seemed incapable of distinguishing right from wro

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 05:50:00
He seemed incapable of distinguishing right from wrong,and though he could draw like a seasoned artist,he could not—or would not!—write.If I put a pen into his hand and told him to copy out a Hail Mary he became instantly clumsy,as dull and stupid over the simple task as the most backward of children.I could not beat him into submission,though I am ashamed to admit that I often attempted to do so.He had a will of iron,which I could not bend,and a spectacular temper which frequently reduced me to violence.Exhaustion,and fear of doing him a serious injury,made me reserve calligraphy as a penance from which he might be released for good behavior.But music was the keystone of his extraordinary genius.
请翻译中间的这一句:Exhaustion,and fear of doing him a serious injury,made me
reserve calligraphy as a penance from which he might be released for good behavior.
英语翻译上下文:He seemed incapable of distinguishing right from wro
再问: 如果你对Calligraphy的解释是“书法”那他一定不能有所解脱,对不对?
再答: 为什么是不能解脱呢?release啊,应该是通过书法,从而释放一些好的东西,应该是解脱了啊。 那就翻译成: “我已经精疲力尽,我的做法可能已经带给他伤害,所以我不得不将书法作为一种忏悔的自我惩罚,而他恰恰能因此有所解脱从而形成好的习惯。”
再问: 我指的是,你瞧他这么讨厌书法。。。所以没办法解脱。再说了他不是中国人,没有书法这个概念啊。你看看我这么翻行不行:我因为精疲力竭,又害怕把他弄伤,所以只好让他永远保留了美术,尤其是那些他可能会因为要表现良好而只能作出舍弃的东西。
再答: 其实,书法吧,挺有名的,外国人都知道的,不过你这么翻译也行,毕竟,翻译要根据语境和环境灵活变化么, calligraphy 这个词字典里的解释是the art of producing beautiful writing by hand,本来就是种 art (艺术)么,挺好。
再问: 我保证这里是艺术了。。。