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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/05 14:23:02
The flamboyant Idol singer hits our cover and bares all,talking about his childhood (”I started to realize I wasn’t like every other boy,” he says),the drug-fueled Burning Man epiphany that led him to AI (”I realized that we all have our own power,and that whatever I wanted to do,I had to make happen,” he tells RS) and his run on the show (”I was like,‘I’m going to glue rhinestones on my eyelids,bitch!’ “).And yes,he talks about his sexuality.“Right after the finale,I almost started talking about it to the reporters,but I thought,‘I’m going to wait for Rolling Stone,that will be cooler,’ ” he tells us.“I didn’t want the Clay Aiken thing and the celebrity-magazine bullshit.I need to be able to explain myself in context.
“I’m proud of my sexuality,” Lambert adds.“I embrace it.It’s just another part of me.” Ultimately,however Lambert tells RS contributor Vanessa Grigoriadis that there are other parts of his life that he’s trying to keep front and center.“I’m trying to be a singer,not a civil rights leader,” he says.
这位引人注目的偶像歌手冲击了我们的掩饰与赤裸,讲述他的童年(他说:我开始认识到我和其他男孩的不同),(我认识到我们都有自己的力量,不管我想做什么,我会尽力去达到目标,他告诉RS)他在节目上继续说(我就像这样,我准备在我眼睑上粘上钻石,吗的)当然,他讲述其他的肤色,“就在表演结束后,我几乎想要和记者谈起它,但是我想,我将要等到滚石乐队,那样会更酷”他告诉我们“我不想要Clay Aiken和名人杂志这种垃圾,我需要在比赛中解释我自己.
我为我的肤色骄傲,Lambert说到,我依附它,它只是我的一部分.最后,Lambert 告诉RS赞助人Vanessa Grigoriadis这里有他生命的另外一部分他一直在追寻的,我一直努力去成为一名歌手,不是一个民族领导
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