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英语翻译Forexample,Klason lignin analyses of driedpine needles i

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 08:26:42
example,Klason lignin analyses of dried
pine needles indicate that they contain up
to 30% lignin by weight (Theander,1978),
but this value exceeds that found even in
many woods and is probably too high.On
the other hand,the Klason procedure tends
to underestimate the amount of lignin in
annual plants,because some of the polymer
is acid-soluble and consequently lost during
the hydrolysis of polysaccharides.
The fungal delignification of woody
material can be monitored by electron
microscopy (Blanchette,1991) or light
microscopy.with selective staining
(Srebotnik and Messner,1994),although
these procedures are relatively complex
and only semiquantitative.Microscopy is,
of course,useful only when the substrate
being investigated still contains lignified
cell walls,but these techniques might be
used with advantage to assess ligninolysis
in relatively intact twigs or conifer needles.
Several chemical procedures have also
been introduced for the estimation of
lignin content.For example,pulverized
wood samples can be treated with acetyl
bromide in acetic acid,and the absorbance
of the resulting solution at 280 nm can be
compared with the absorbance obtained
from known lignin standards.Methods of
this type are subject to interference from
other components,but can be useful for
the comparison of closely related lignocellulosic
samples (Theander and Westerlund,
A less direct but very flexible approach
to the study of fungal ligninolysis is to
assess not whether the growth substrate
itself is being delignified,but rather
whether the fungus degrades a simpler target
molecule whose breakdown indicates
that ligninolytic systems must be functioning.
Model substrates of this type can be
infiltrated into the organism’s natural
lignocellulosic growth medium,e.g.wood
or litter,or they can be used as probes in
defined liquid growth media (Kirk et al.,
1975,1978; Srebotnik et al.,1994).The
most frequently used probes are 14C -
labelled synthetic lignins,which can be
prepared by polymerizing 14C-labelled phydroxycinnamyl
alcohols (e.g.labelled
coniferyl alcohol,see inset to Fig.2.1) with
horseradish peroxidase (Kirk and Brunow,
英语翻译Forexample,Klason lignin analyses of driedpine needles i