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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/08 07:36:49
International promotion of Chinese is an important task to promote Chinese language and culture all over the world, in the purpose of meeting the requirements of Chinese language and culture learners overseas. It is also of great significance for enhancing China's soft power. In 2002, the Chinese Ministry of Education and State Leading group of CSL (Chinese as a foreign language), were planning to launch Chinese language promotion agencies overseas, learning from the experience of other countries who had promoted their national language. And in 2005, the international promotion of Chinese was set down as a national develop strategy. In recent years, the promotion has made remarkable achievements. The establishment of the Confucius Institute, and the rapid growth of Chinese language teachers, have accelerated greatly the pace of the promotion and enhanced China's "soft power.
Anyway, the International promotion of Chinese starts late, and there are still many deficiencies. For examples, the textbooks should be compiled better, and the methods and policies ask for further improvement. This article discusses those two problems: textbook compilation and promotion methods. And also, it presents the corresponding solutions, which is to develop both universal textbooks and characterized textbooks for different countries, and to promote both officially and privately.
英语翻译汉英混杂现象蔓延英语深度侵入让汉语危机四伏。汉语是中华文化的基因和基石,它是中华文化的载体,它关乎文化认同,民族 英语翻译第一是为了给大家提供一个展示汉语能力的舞台,第二是为了激发大家学习汉语的热情,第三是为了促进中华文化的了解.参赛 如果你应聘孔子学院汉语教师成功,你将如何向外推广传播中华文化? 目前,全球已建成的孔子学院或开设的孔子课堂有五百多处,旨在推广汉语教学,传播中华文化. 英语翻译英语四级翻译 孔子学院是中国在世界各地设立的教育和文化交流机构.推广汉语,传播中国文化是设立该机构的目的.孔子学 对外汉语教学基地与汉语国际推广基地的区别在哪里?谁知道,烦请告知.全国10个对外汉语教学基地都在哪里? 英语翻译浅论现代广播电视节目与普通话推广前景本科生:指导老师内容摘要:普通话的推广是我国自建国以来的重要工作,它关乎于教 孔子学院是我国推广汉语和传播中国文化的教育交流机构。目前,我国与世界许多国家合作建立了多所孔子学院,既增进了世界各国人民 中华文化在世界的地位及其影响是怎样的 英语翻译许多老师在教授汉语学习课程时为了老外理解方便会顺便把汉语翻译成英文,但往往由于语言和文化的差异,许多汉语翻译成英 网上看的资料都是说什么中华文化博大精深,说讲汉语的人如何如何多. 英语翻译我认为在学习英语时习惯用汉语进行思维,在运用英语时套用汉语的语法,对于英语语言的接触和分析不够,缺乏语言环境进行