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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/07 12:22:06
Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day!
Ladies and Gentlemen,and my fellow English learners,
[1] I’m so happy that I can be here with you today.English is studied all over the world.Now,it is my pleasure to share some of my opinions and advice about learning English with you.
[2] Learning English is like building a house.Laying a strong foundation1 is the first and most important step.You must build your strong English foundation by learning beautiful and useful sentences.You must practice your pronunciation and constantly2 strengthen3 your international tongue muscle.In other words,you should read and speak English crazily every day.
[3] Memorizing4 new words and phrases is also very helpful.Record all the new English words and phrases you learn in a notebook.
[4] Like building a house,learning English takes some time.The road to true success is never smooth5 and easy.If you practice crazily every day you will make it.Have passion6.Believe in yourself and don’t be impatient7.Remember:Rome wasn’t built in a day!
[1] 我很高兴今天能与大家在这里相聚.全世界人们都在学习英语.我很愿意与大家分享我对英语学习的一些见解和建议.
[2] 学习英语,正如建造房屋,奠定坚实的基础是首要的一步.你必须通过学习优美实用的句子来夯实英语基础;你必须刻苦操练发音,不断强化国际口腔肌肉.换句话说,你必须每天疯狂读英语、说英语.
[3] 记住新单词和短语同样非常有用.在财富本中记下你所学的所有新单词和短语.
[4] 正如建造房屋,学习英语也需要时间.成功的道路绝非一帆风顺的.如果你每天疯狂操练,你就能成功.要有激情!要相信自己!不要急躁!记住:罗马不是一天建成的.
oundation n.基础;根本
constantly adv.经常地
strengthen v.加强;巩固
memorize v.记住,记忆
smooth adj.平滑的;平坦的;平稳的
passion n.激情;热情
impatient adj.不耐烦的;急躁的
1.I’m so happy that… 我很高兴…….
2.It is my pleasure to… 我很乐意…….
3.If you…,you will… 如果你……,你将…….