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英语翻译很快,他就查明了事实的真相 He____________the truth of the matter soon

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/23 22:42:45
很快,他就查明了事实的真相 He____________the truth of the matter soon 妈妈因为我丢了钥匙而生气Mum________________for losing my key 天气热得连地板都能把鸡蛋煎熟It______________an egg can be cooked well on ground请把这幅画跟那幅画比较一下,告诉我他们之间的不同Please___________that one and tell me the differences between each other
英语翻译很快,他就查明了事实的真相 He____________the truth of the matter soon
He was found out the truth of the matter soon.
Mum is angry because I for losing my key.
It weather so hot that make an egg can be cooked well on ground.
Please put this picture and the other to comparison that one and tell me the differences between each other. 再问: 还差一个 李老师一直鼓励我们学外语要多读We________read more by Mr Li when we learn a foreign lauguage
再答: 李老师一直鼓励我们学外语要多读。 We gain encouraged to read more by Mr Li when we learn a foreign lauguage. 【不确定昂】