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翻译2 请lee老师回答

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 04:35:34
老师: 您好,有些阅读翻译我不会,请您告诉我,请问这样的阅读应该怎样翻译,复合句应该怎样翻译呢? 谢谢! A Fox Both Chinese people and English people consider the fox a cunning animal.A cunning person is often compared to fox .We can say “so-and-so is an old fox” or “so-and-so is as cunning as a fox.” Now that you know “fox” is a synonym for cunning,it should be easy for you to understadnd the idiom “play fox” .A cheat often plays fox,ptetending to be honest or innocent.A lazy student,in order to play truant, may play fox,pretending to be ill to have a stomachache,for example. 翻译: 1. cunning animal 2. A cunning person 3. play fox 4.A lazy student,in order to play truant, may play fox,pretending to be ill to have a stomachache,for example. Tree Trees add to the beauty of our surroundings,give us pleasant shade and help to make the air clean.So we should all take part in treeplanting activities. A “family tree” cannot be planted:It is not a plant,but a plan of relationship of the members of a family.Can you trace your family tree back farther than your great-grandparets? “You cannot judge a tree by its bark.”This sayig tells us how to judge a person---don’t judge by appearances.“A tree is known by its fruit”,that is ,a perso should be judge by his deeds,not by his words. 翻译: 1. add to 2. make the air clean 3. family tree 4. trace …back … 5. your great-grandparets 6. You cannot judge a tree by its bark 7. don’t judge by appearances 8. A tree is known by its fruit 9. A perso should be judge by his deeds,not by his words. 请您告诉我意思并说一下它的语法和应怎样去翻译。 谢谢!
翻译2 请lee老师回答
解题思路: 翻译
1. cunning animal狡猾的动物
2. A cunning person狡猾的人
3. play fox行为狡猾(耍狡猾)

4.A lazy student,in order to play truant, may play fox,pretending to be ill to have a stomachache,for example比如, 一个很懒惰的学生为了能逃学就可能会耍狡猾, 他会假装生病胃痛. ________ 对于复合句的翻译,最关键的就是能弄清楚句子的主干以及相应的句子成分. 这里in order to play truant就是一个目的状语,句子的主干是A lazy student may play fox, pretending是现在分词做状语.
1. add to 增加
2. make the air clean使空气变得干净
3. family tree系谱, 系谱图, 族谱, 族谱图

4. trace …back …追溯

5. your great-grandparets你的曾祖父母
6. You cannot judge a tree by its bark 引申含义-----不要以貌取人
7. don’t judge by appearances不要以貌取人
8. A tree is known by its fruit字面意思是:一棵树靠它的果实出名(可以引申为:一个人要靠真才实学才能有所成就)
9. A perso should be judge by his deeds,not by his words.要以一个人的行为来看待一个人,而不应该看他所说的话