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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 07:52:32
B Unfortunately, concerned about instability in the job market, many students are worried about facing an ever more uncertain future and consequently they have begun to feel lost, according to a survey. The survey, conducted by the Social Survey Institute of China, covers more than 2,000 college students from big cities, such as Beijing and Shanghai. Tapping into (利用) this vast network of students, the survey revealed about 75 percent enjoy their lives on campus, feel free from restraints (限制) and are filled with enthusiasm. Nevertheless, 16.7 percent “lost ones” of the students refer to life as boring and aimless while 8.3 percent complain about the heavier study load they must now bear. Undoubtedly, pressure exists, and 75 percent of the students are worried about finding a job upon graduation. Around half of all participants have no clear career plan after graduation and a high 41.7 percent admit they have not thought about it. Only 8.3 percent have a clear idea of what they want to do and are confident of achieving their hopes and dreams. The question “Are you a popular guy” seemed to provoke a mixed response from participants with 58.3 percent answering positively, leaving 41.7 percent as unsure, 91.7 percent of the students thought they got along very well with others, the final 8.3 percent finding it difficult to choose a particular answer. Independent answers such as “do things in your own way” and “forget other people’s opinions” seemed to be popular among modern college students with 75 percent conforming more or less to this attitude. 25 percent alone admitted to worrying about comments from other people. The survey also discovered a strong feeling of confidence among students when dealing with interpersonal relationships and that personalities were slightly influenced by the surrounding environment. Most students criticized the phenomenon of suicide on campus. 58.3 percent urged authorities to discover hidden social reasons behind suicide, thus helping to prevent it. 33.3 percent thought students who try to commit suicide will not be able to face life’s bigger challenges in the future even if they survive. Surprisingly, 8.3 percent confessed that they once wanted to kill themselves, but finally decided against it.
45. What is college life like in the eyes of most students according to the passage? A. Easy B. Interesting C. Stressed D. Aimless 46. How many students refer to life as boring in the survey? A. More than 334 B. More than 166 C More than 1,500 D. More than 625. 47. The underlined phrased “provoke a mixed response” (in Paragraph 4) probably means “ ”. A. answer in a mixed way B. give a variety of answers C. have sympathy for other students D. suddenly begin to affect someone 48. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage? A. What should college life be like? B. Lost students in China C. Do things in your own way. D. Frustrated college life
解题思路: 注意分析题型的特点
第一道题目是道细节题,题干问“在大多数学生眼里,大学生活如何?”根据文章第二段的这一句“Undoubtedly, pressure exists, and 75 percent of the students are worried about finding a job upon graduation”毫无疑问,压力是存在的,百分之七十五的学生很担心在毕业后找工作。所以很明显答案应该选C

第二道题目是数字推理题。根据这一句话“Nevertheless, 16.7 percent “lost ones” of the students refer to life as boring ”认为生活boring的占百分之16.7所以我们用2000乘以0.167得到答案A
第三道题是“猜测词义”,根据后文的上下文来看,针对“are you a popular guy"这个问题,很多人提供了不同的反应。所以答案应该是B,有多种不同答案。
第四题是判断文章的主旨大意,文章的第一段就点明了文章的主要内容“令人沮丧的大学生活”。见第一段第一句“Unfortunately, concerned about instability in the job market, many students are worried about facing an ever more uncertain future and consequently they have begun to feel lost, ”所以第四题选D