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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/03 08:30:43
大家好 本人急需人教版小学六年级英语下册期末试卷一套,听力笔试都要有,谢谢了!

一) 单词辨音(5×2分)

1. A. woof B. choose C. wood

2. A. shirt B. cleaner C. learn

3. A. boat B. cabbage C. thumb

4. A. water B. gas C. bat

5. A. actor B. cinema C. cloud

二) 补全单词(5×2分)

6. acc_____nt A. ou B. uo C. oa

7. bookst____ A. or B. ore C. ure

8. c__m__c A. e,I B. o,u C. o,i

9. str____m A. ae B. ea C. ee

10. sh_____d A. oul B. ou C. ol

A 汉译英 B 英译汉
11.骑自行车_____________ 16. come from___________

12. 电视台记者____________17. play a violin__________

13. 摩托车________________18. make kites___________

14. 露出,出现______________19. get off______________
15. 醒来__________________ 20. traffic rule___________


21. I teach lessons. I am a __________________.
22. I clean streets. I am a ___________________.

23. I sing songs. I am a ____________________.

24. Tom dances. He is a ____________________.

25. Mary writes stories. She is a _____________.


26.What’s your hobby?

A. Swiming B. Swimming C. Swim

27. Does your mother wash clothes?

A. Yes, she doesn’t B. Yes, he does C. No, she doesn’t

28. What does Tom do?

A. Tom goes to school. B. Tom is a boy C. Tom is a teacher

29. How does he go to school?

A. On feet B. By foot C. On foot
30. He likes ________planes. He likes ________,too.

A. make/swimming B. making / swimming C. making / swim

31. I don’t have a brother_________sister.
A. or B. and C. the

32. He usually plays at the park __________ Sunday.

A. in B. at C. on
33. Who is he? He is _________ brother.
A. mine B. my C. I

34. she ___________ football everyday.
A. playing B. play C. plays

35. Happy birthday!
A. The same to you B. Thank you C.OK


36. same / the / like / We / things / don’t

37. bue / to / school / by / He / goes
38. Ann / TV / on / cartoons / watches

39. Who / in / a / factory / works / car

40. from / does / the / Where / rain / come

41. They (A; has / B: have) lunch in the kitchen.

42. She (A: watch / B: watches) TV in the evening.

43. We (A: ride / B: rides) a bike to our school.

44. Ton and Alice (A: likes / B: like) listening to music.

45. His mother (A: wear / B: wears) a black coat.

This is Billy and his brother’s bedroom. It’s not very big, but it is tidy(整洁).There are two beds in the room. There is a desk between(在……中间)the beds. There are some books on the desk. . Some are English books. Some are Chinese books. There is a phone on the desk, too. There are two chairs beside the desk. One is for Billy, and the other(另一把)is for his brother. There is a map of America on the wall. There is a map of the world on the wall, too. Billy and his brother like their bedroom very much.

46. The bedroom is small, and it’s clean.
47. There are two desks in the bedroom.

48. There are some Chinese books on the desk.

49. There are two maps on the wall.

50. There isn’t a phone in the bedroom.
六、Read and write. 看例子,写单词.(10分)

例:old older
small_____ long_____ cold_____
big bigger
thin______ hot______ sad______
heavy heavier
funny_____ happy_____
large larger
nice_____ fine_____

七、Read and choose.看问句,选择合适的答句.(10分)

1. How tall are you? A. John is older than Mike.
2. How long is it? B. It's 85cm.
3. How big are your feet? C. I like the yellow one.
4. Which monkey do you like? D. I wear size 18.
5. Who is older? E. I'm 173cm tall.

八、Read and choose. 读句子,选择.(10分)

1. I'm 160cm tall. I'm_____than my young brother.
A.older B.taller C.longer
2. Mary's hair is longer than ______.
A. Jane B. Jane's C. she
3."Sperm whale" means_____.
A. 抹香鲸 B. 鲨鱼 C. 鱿鱼
4. ---- How are you?
---- ______.
A. Fine, thank you.
B. I'm 14 years old.
C. I'm 50kg.
5. I'm 11 years old. You're 12 years old. You are 1 year _____ than me.
A. young B. old C. older

九、Make the sentences. 连词成句.(10分)

1. tail His . longer is
2. He shorter . is me than
3. heavy How are ? you
4. are bigger than yours . My hands
5. It is . and younger funnier

十、Read and tick or cross.读短文,判断对(√)错(×).(10分)

Hello, I'm a Chinese boy. My name is Ming Ming. I'm 12 years old. I'm 160cm tall and I'm 45kg. I like drawing pictures. Every morning, I go to school with my good friend Dong Dong. We go on foot. Dong Dong is 11 years old. He's 2kg heavier than me. But I'm 3cm taller than him. We study in Hong Qi Primary School. Ling Ling is my sister. We're in the same school. She's one year older than me. She likes sports. She is taller and stronger than me. She loves me and I love her too.

1. Ming Ming is older than Dong Dong.
2. Ming Ming is 163cm tall.
3. Ling Ling is 2 years older than Dong Dong.
4. Dong Dong is 2kg heavier than Ming Ming.
5. Ling Ling is stronger and taller than Ming Ming.

附加题: 情景交际(10分)

1. 你想约你的朋友周末去滑冰,你可以说:
A.Let's go fishing this weekend.
B.Let's go hiking this weekend.
C.Let's go ice-skating this weekend.
2. 当别人跟你说:May I borrow your dictionary?你回答说:
A.OK,here you are.
C.I don't think so.
3. 当你想了解某个物品的颜色时,你可以问:
A.What's this?
B.What colour is it?
C.What's your name?
4. 当你想问别人邮局在哪时,你应先说:
C.Excuse me.
5. 当有人对你说Happy birthday to you!时,你应说:
A.You too.
B.The same.
C.Thank you.

2008-04-10 人教网
参考资料: http://www.pep.com.cn/