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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 04:05:03
新版改版后的 单项选择变更为语法填空 BOOK3 MOUDLE3
1-5 BCBCA 6-10 CABAA
11-15 BBCAB 16-20 AACCA
21. disappearing 22. an
23. after 24. were
25. where 26. to measure
27. are called 28. those
29. as 30. because
31-35 BCACD 36-40 ADBBA 41-45 CDACB 46-50 BACDD
51-55 ACDCC 56-60 DABCD
61-65 ABDDB 66-70 DACEF
71. ... on school trip. on后加a
72. ... we had arrived ... 去掉had
73. ... fishing tool and ... tool → tools
74. Like other classmates, ...
Like → Unlike
75. ..., I fix my eyes ... fix → fixed
76. ... felt anything bite ...
anything → something
77. ... pull them out ... them → it
78. ..., but I lost ... but → and / so
79. ..., fall right into ... fall → falling
80. ..., a happier but ... happier → happy
One possible version:
On Sunday I drove away from home at 6 am to go to the airport to meet my friend, whose plane was arriving at 9 am. Unfortunately, I was caught in a terrible sandstorm on the way. The visibility was poor. My car ran into a truck and broke down. Luckily, nobody was injured in the accident. I telephoned the police and the insurance company and then I could do nothing but leave the car aside and take a taxi to the airport. I arrived at 8:40 am and met my friend on time. Knowing what had happened on my way to the airport, my friend was deeply moved.
21. disappearing.roof与disappear之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,且disappear所表示的动作与谓语动作几乎同时发生,故填disappearing.
22. an.此处表示“平均在一年内”,由于average是以元音音素开头的单词,故填an.
23. after.“飓风桑迪在美国东海岸登陆”是 在它破坏性地横扫加勒比海之后,故填after.
24. were.这是一个倒装句,主语是coastal areas,且“被袭击”的事情发生在过去,故用were.be hard hit受到……的沉重打击.
25. where.空格处引导定语从句且在定语从句中作地点状语,故用where.
26. to measure.use sth. to do sth. 使用某物做某事.
27. are called.主语storms与动词call之间为被动关系,且结合该段对飓风一般情况的介绍,可知用一般现在时的被动语态.
28. those.前后对比的对象为太平洋一带的暴风雨和印度洋一带的暴风雨,空格处指代上文中提到的复数名词storms,用those替代.
29. as.be known as作为……而出名.
30. because.空格后解释原因.

本文是记叙文.文章讲述了跌入人生谷底的Eileen Benham终于找到了新的人生道路.
31. B.根据下文的dropped out of school and went to live with a family friend in London可知,Eileen Benham开始陷入困境.
32. C.亲戚朋友死于车祸是一件令人悲伤的事.
33. A.34. C.根据上文的“父母酗酒,妈妈有精神问题,去别人家借宿结果对方死于意外”可知,这些事对于Eileen Benham这个年纪的孩子来说太疯狂.
35. D.根据下文的was told by one teacher可知.
36. A.根据上文的struggled和下文的Desperate for help可知,学校有个老师告诉Eileen Benham她不会有所作为.
37. D.根据下文的a local charity和volunteering可知.
38. B.39. B.根据下文的listened to my story可知,“未来的希望”这个慈善机构的志愿者和街上酗酒的年轻人交谈,Eileen Benham也和这些志愿者交流了起来.
40. A.此处与上文Eileen Benham的老师对她的评价相对比,表达这些志愿者并没有戴有色眼镜看她.
41. C.根据本句中的either ... or和building something new可知,要么屈服要么有所建树.
42. D.根据下文的Eileen began volunteering at Future Hope可知,Eileen意识到是时候开始新生活了.
43. A.根据上文的start building something new可知.
44. C.Eileen开始教导一些有学习障碍的年轻人.
45. B.Eileen通过开展街舞课程帮助当地的女孩合理利用时间.
46. B.根据上文的wandering the streets in the evening可知,孩子们仅仅是需要有能交朋友和安全的地方.
47. A.根据下文的see them looking better and happier可知,Eileen帮助“未来的希望”慈善组织解决了青少年的不良问题.
48. C.根据上文的teenage以及Eileen是个19岁的青少年可知,问题少年和她更谈得来是因为他们年纪相仿.
49. D.看到问题少年变好,Eileen感到骄傲.
50. D.根据上文Eileen已经在“未来的希望”帮助其他年轻人以及下文的you only get something good out of doing something good可知,她会继续帮助他人.

A篇 (文学)
本文是记叙文.文章主要介绍了小说The Cay的创作背景.
51. A.细节理解题.根据第一段的Dutch boy who had climbed up on top of a life raft和The raft drifted off into the night and was never seen again可知.
52. C.细节理解题.根据第三段的Robert, ... became “Timothy” of The Cay可知,Timothy的人物原型是Robert.
53. D.细节理解题.根据第四段的Phillip, a boy with whom I'd played from about the age of five until I was ten可知.
54. C.主旨大意题.根据第一段的using it in a novel,第三段的He became “Timothy” of The Cay以及最后一段的hoping he'd be color-blind before the story was over可知,文章主要讲述了The Cay中三个人物是怎么来的,因此C项符合题意.
B篇 (语言)
55. C.细节理解题.根据第一段的“Hello” was considered a very impolite way to greet someone可知.
56. D.细节理解题.根据第二段的they were used to ... express surprise和Hullo! How did that get in there? 可知.
57. A.段落大意题.根据第三段的But what would you yell? 和Thomas Edison suggested the word hello可知,第三段主要讲述了hello一词用于接听电话的由来.
58. B.推理判断题.根据最后一段的“hello” became not just the standard way to answer the phone, but an accepted way to greet people in person可知,hello一词原本是电话用语,但后来人们在面对面的交流中也用这个词.由此可知,电话改变了人们说话的方式.
C篇 (体育)
59. C.细节理解题.根据第二段的Marvin Zuckerman, ... people who take extreme sports do take risks, but there are far more dangerous “highs” they could be seeking可知.
60. D.推理判断题.第三段举的例子主要是为了说明第二段的观点there are far more dangerous “highs” they could be seeking.
61. A.词义猜测题.根据第四段的the greater problems like addiction以及转折连词but可知,be overshadowed by意为“逊色于、次于”.
62. B.推理判断题.根据第一段的It is our differences that make a society interesting, so while it may not be for everyone, high-risk activities contribute to the diversity of our culture和最后一段的we should celebrate them for their differences and do what we can to support them可以明确看出作者赞成极限运动.
D篇 (自然)
63. D.细节理解题.根据第二段的By 2:45, the skies were darkening以及下文的描述可知.
64. D.细节理解题.根据第二段的Teachers rushed to get kids onto buses or into waiting cars可知.
65. B.细节理解题.根据第三段的it almost completely destroyed the school可知.

66. D.由上一句的pay attention to the world around you和You can do just about anything in a poem可知,空格处接着说:你看到、听到、尝到、闻到和感觉到的任何事物都能写成诗歌.
67. A.由接下来的What would you like your poem to be about和choose a topic可知,本段主要说明要选择一个话题.
68. C.由下一句Circle these to use in your poem可知,空格处指有没有词语脱颖而出.these指代words or phrases.
69. E.由下一句And it should sound nice to you可知,你得对所选的话题有感而发.
70. F.由上一句Do you like the way it sounds可知,空格处接着说:如果诗歌读出来不是你想要的感觉,那就重写一下你不喜欢的部分.

选做题: 1-5 BDACC
备选题: 1-5 DABCB 6-10 DACAC
11-15 BADBC
1. B.词义猜测题.由第三段中的Many people are now planting these in their gardens for wildlife可知,这种植物可以吸引更多的野生动物,所以人们购买这种植物是为了“增加”花园里野生动物的数量.
2. D.细节理解题.由第二段中的snapped up可知,这种植物销售的速度很快.
3. A.细节理解题.由第四段内容可知这种植物可以食用.
4. C.推理判断题.由文末的Demand has been surprising. We are having to clear extra space in our nursery so we can grow more可以推断,网站的销售前景很可观.
5. C.推理判断题.本文中提到的荨麻、花园、草坪、野生动物等是与自然相关的,所以本文最有可能出自“自然”版块.

1. D.lightning是不可数名词,其前不用冠词;be struck by lightning遭雷电击中.thunderstorm在句中特指昨晚的那场暴雨,故其前用定冠词the.
2. A.题意:人们普遍认为脑子越用越灵活(active).rotating旋转的;violent剧烈的;terrifying吓人的.
3. B.A flood disaster与make之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,且make所表示的动作并非发生于hit之前,故排除A、D两项.作结果状语时,不定式常表示预料之外的结果,而动词-ing形式常表示预料之中的结果.“成千上万人无家可归”是“八月份这个地区发生洪灾”导致的预料之中的结果,故选B项.
4. C.furniture意为“家具”,是不可数名词,可用much, little, a little, a lot of, lots of等修饰,但不能用many, few, a few等修饰.根据so引导的分句“房间看起来很大”可知,“我住的房间里家具不多(little)”.
5. B.it(The car)与damage之间是被动关系,且damage所表示的动作发生在was repaired之前,故用过去完成时的被动语态.
6. D.第一个look表示“看,注视”,是实义动词,故用副词sadly修饰;第二个look表示“看起来”,是系动词,故用形容词sad作表语.
7. A.根据句中的ask可知,此处指“询问她的蛋糕是否(if)做好了”.
8. C.根据主句句意“立刻向医生征求意见”可知,此处指“如果任何一种症状发生(occur)”.affect影响;cause引起,导致;experience经历.
9. A.根据前一句“布莱克女士已离开办公室”可知,此处指“我能帮你吗?”can(用于表示请求、给予)可以,能.
10. C.where此处引导地点状语从句,意为“(在)……的地方”.
11. B.take place意为“发生”,为不及物动词短语,没有被动语态.“发生”这个动作发生在上世纪末之前,即“过去的过去”,故用过去完成时.
12. A.题意:地上的沙子被风卷起(picked up),空气中便充满厚厚的灰尘.end up结束;put out扑灭;put down放下.
13. D.there is no possibility of ... 没有……的可能性.
14. B.根据题意可知,答语意为“笔记本和钢笔总共(in all)10美元”.
15. C.根据答语中的OK可知,应答者希望(Hopefully)能准时到达演出现场.