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英语翻译信号发生器 产生所需参数的电测试信号的仪器.按信号波形可分为正弦信号、函数(波形)信号、脉冲信号和随机信号发生器

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/25 08:32:50
正弦信号发生器 正弦信号主要用于测量电路和系统的频率特性、非线性失真、增益及灵敏度等.按频率覆盖范围分为低频信号发生器、高频信号发生器和微波信号发生器;按输出电平可调节范围和稳定度分为简易信号发生器(即信号源)、标准信号发生器(输出功率能准确地衰减到-100分贝毫瓦以下)和功率信号发生器(输出功率达数十毫瓦以上);按频率改变的方式分为调谐式信号发生器、扫频式信号发生器、程控式信号发生器和频率合成式信号发生器等.
低频信号发生器 包括音频(200~20000赫)和视频 (1赫~10兆赫)范围的正弦波发生器.主振级一般用RC式振荡器,也可用差频振荡器.为便于测试系统的频率特性,要求输出幅频特性平和波形失真小.
高频信号发生器 频率为 100千赫~30兆赫的高频、30~300兆赫的甚高频信号发生器.一般采用 LC调谐式振荡器,频率可由调谐电容器的度盘刻度读出.主要用途是测量各种接收机的技术指标.输出信号可用内部或外加的低频正弦信号调幅或调频,使输出载频电压能够衰减到1微伏以下.标准信号发生器(图1标准信号发生器框图)的输出信号电平能准确读数,所加的调幅度或频偏也能用电表读出.此外,仪器还有防止信号泄漏的良好屏蔽.
微波信号发生器 从分米波直到毫米波波段的信号发生器.信号通常由带分布参数谐振腔的超高频三极管和反射速调管产生,但有逐渐被微波晶体管、场效应管和耿氏二极管等固体器件取代的趋势.仪器一般靠机械调谐腔体来改变频率,每台可覆盖一个倍频程左右,由腔体耦合出的信号功率一般可达10毫瓦以上.简易信号源只要求能加1000赫方波调幅,而标准信号发生器则能将输出基准电平调节到1毫瓦,再从后随衰减器读出信号电平的分贝毫瓦值;还必须有内部或外加矩形脉冲调幅,以便测试雷达等接收机.
扫频和程控信号发生器 扫频信号发生器能够产生幅度恒定、频率在限定范围内作线性变化的信号.在高频和甚高频段用低频扫描电压或电流控制振荡回路元件(如变容管或磁芯线圈)来实现扫频振荡;在微波段早期采用电压调谐扫频,用改变返波管螺旋线电极的直流电压来改变振荡频率,后来广泛采用磁调谐扫频,以YIG铁氧体小球作微波固体振荡器的调谐回路,用扫描电流控制直流磁场改变小球的谐振频率.扫频信号发生器有自动扫频、手控、程控和远控等工作方式.
频率合成式信号发生器 这种发生器的信号不是由振荡器直接产生,而是以高稳定度石英振荡器作为标准频率源,利用频率合成技术形成所需之任意频率的信号,具有与标准频率源相同的频率准确度和稳定度.输出信号频率通常可按十进位数字选择,最高能达11位数字的极高分辨力.频率除用手动选择外还可程控和远控,也可进行步级式扫频,适用于自动测试系统.直接式频率合成器由晶体振荡、加法、乘法、滤波和放大等电路组成,变换频率迅速但电路复杂,最高输出频率只能达1000兆赫左右.用得较多的间接式频率合成器是利用标准频率源通过锁相环控制电调谐振荡器(在环路中同时能实现倍频、分频和混频),使之产生并输出各种所需频率的信号.这种合成器的最高频率可达26.5吉赫.高稳定度和高分辨力的频率合成器,配上多种调制功能(调幅、调频和调相),加上放大、稳幅和衰减等电路,便构成一种新型的高性能、可程控的合成式信号发生器,还可作为锁相式扫频发生器
英语翻译信号发生器 产生所需参数的电测试信号的仪器.按信号波形可分为正弦信号、函数(波形)信号、脉冲信号和随机信号发生器
Signal generator
For the parameters of the electrical testing signals.According to the signal waveform can be divided into sine signals,function (waveform) signal,the pulse signal and random signal generator etc.
Sine signal generator sine signal is mainly used in the measurement circuit and frequency characteristics of the system,and the nonlinear distortion,gain and sensitivity,etc.According to the low frequency signal generator coverage divided,the high frequency signal generator and microwave signal generator,According to the output level adjustable scope and stability is divided into simple signal generator (i.e.source),standard signal generator (power output can accurately - 100 db attenuation HaoWa below) and power output signal generator (above) HaoWa dozens of power,By way of frequency changing into harmonic.structure signal generator,sweeping frequency signal generator,program-controlled type signal generator and frequency signal generator synthesis type etc.
Low frequency signal generator (200-20,000 include audio and video (1) hittite 10 MHZ) range of sine wave generator.The average level in the RC type oscillator,usable also difference frequency oscillators.To facilitate testing system frequency characteristics,output amplitude frequency characteristics and waveform distortion.
The high frequency signal generator frequency for 100 KHZ 30 MHZ of high-frequency,30 300 300-megahertz VHF signals generator.Generally USES the LC oscillators,harmonic.structure by tuning frequency capacitor for calibration.Main purpose is to measure the technical indexes of receiver.The output signal of internal or low available plus sinusoidal output amplitude,frequency and voltage to decay to 1 software-processable microvolt.Standard signal generator (figure 1) standard signal generator diagram of the output signal level,can accurate reading of amplitude and frequency can meter reading.In addition,the instrument and prevent leakage of good shielding signal.
Microwave signal generator FenMiBo until millimeter wave bands from the signal generator.Usually by signal with distributed parameter resonator and reflection of speed uhf triode tube,but there were gradually produce microwave transistors,mosfet and GengShi diodes solid device instead.Instrument by mechanical cavities commonly attuned to change the frequency,each may cover an octave band around the coupling of cavities commonly signal power can reach up to 10 HaoWa above.Simple signal can only add 1,000 HeFang wave attenuation,and standard signal generator can be output level adjustment datum,from January to HaoWa after attenuator,read the signal level db HaoWa value,Also must have a rectangular pulse amplitude internal or additional testing radar receiver to etc.
Sweep frequency and program signal generator can generate sweep frequency signal generator frequency,amplitude constant in linear range for the change.In the high frequency and low frequency scanning for VHF with voltage or current control oscillation loop components (e.g.transfiguration magnetic coil pipe or) to realize the sweep frequency oscillation,In the early period of using microwave frequency sweep,use voltage tuned to change the helix electrode dc voltage change of oscillation frequency,widely used in tuning frequency sweep,magnetic ferrite made of solid ball YIG microwave circuits,tuning oscillator with scanning electric control dc magnetic resonance frequency of the ball change.Sweep frequency signal generator has automatic sweep frequency,remote control,controller and etc.
This type of signal generator frequency synthesized by the signal generator is directly,but with oscillator high stability quartz oscillator frequency source,using a standard for forming technology of frequency signal,any standard and frequency of the same frequency source of accuracy and stability.According to the output signal frequency usually choose,the highest decimal digit of 11 to high resolution.Besides using frequency also manually choose programmable and remote control,also can undertake step class type sweep frequency,suitable for automatic test system.By direct frequency synthesizer,addition and multiplication crystal oscillation,filter and amplification etc,transform circuit quickly but circuit complex,the frequency of the highest frequency output only 1000 MHZ.Use morer JianJieShi frequency synthesizers is using standard frequency source through phase lock loop control electric tuning oscillator (in PLL also can realize the octave,frequency and frequency mixing),to produce and export various needs of the signal frequency.The highest frequency synthesizer JiHe 26.5 can reach.The high stability and high resolution of frequency synthesizer with multiple functions,amplitude,frequency modulation (PRCPM),plus amplification and attenuation,steady and circuit,constitute a new kind of high performance and synthesis of programmable signal generator,also can be in a phase-locked type swept-frequency generators
英语翻译信号发生器 产生所需参数的电测试信号的仪器.按信号波形可分为正弦信号、函数(波形)信号、脉冲信号和随机信号发生器 函数信号发生器设计:设计产生一定幅度和频率的正弦波、三角波、方波及锯齿波、阶梯波等电压信号波形的电 利用89C51单片机设计多功能低频函数信号发生器,能产生方波、正弦波、三角波等信号波形,信号的频率、幅度可变. 5、下列仪器中可以产生方波和三角波信号的仪器有( ) A.模拟电压表 B.函数信号发生器 C.Q表 D.低频信号 信号波形合成实验电路(C题) 一、任务 设计制作一个电路,能够产生多个不同频率的正弦信号,并将这些信号 正弦信号幅度的示波器测试实验中 为什么不直接使信号发生器输出14.14V的电压 信号发生器设计是用傅里叶级数原理进行正弦信号合成,还是用斯密特电路产生?方波信号通过带通电路,输出为正弦信号,足以证明方 已知输入信号A、B和时钟信号CP的波形,画出触发器Q端的输出波形 8MHz的正弦信号和3KHz的正弦信号叠加后,波形变化是什么样的,他的幅度和相位有没有发生改变 模拟电路里面的小信号是什么意思?还有什么是大信号?是不是跟正弦波形波动的幅度有关啊? 直流电源是一种将正弦信号转换为直流信号的波形变换电路.这句话对么?为什么? 观测两个完整稳定的正弦信号波形式时,若输入信号频率为100HZ,则扫描信号的周期应