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英语翻译5.Smoke Toxicity Among those potential danger factors of

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 16:31:21
5.Smoke Toxicity
Among those potential danger factors of fires,smoke toxicity has been claimed as the dominant cause of residential fire death.About half of accidental fire fatalities were due to the inhalation of smoke and toxic gases,not due to burns.Therefore,toxicity is a very important topic of fire science and should not be overlooked in designing fire safe furniture.Toxic effects result from inhalation exposure to products of combustion.The general effects on humans include reduced decisiou making ability and impaired mobility,leading to incapacitation or death.Carbon monoxide and hydrogen cyanide are the predominant toxicants found among over a hundred gaseous combustion products.
Burning furniture may produce a great amount of highly toxic gases.The quantity of toxic gases produced depends very strongly on the processes of ignition,smoldering,flame spread,heat release rate,and the chemical composition of the burning materials.Natural materials commonly use in furniture include wood,cotton,and wool.With the rapid development of material science,more synthetic materials are used as structural components and decorative panels of furniture.Nylons and polyurethane foams are good examples.As two major toxicants,carbon monoxide is always present in fires,while hydrogen cyanide will present in high concentration when nitrogen-containing materials such an acrylics,nylon,polyurethane foams,or wool are burned.This explains why more smoke-related casualties were reported.
Smoldering fires may yield a substantially higher conversion of a fuel to toxic compounds than flaming fire.Because of the complex structure and diversified materials used,upholstered furniture may give smoldering fires easily.Experiences show that smoldering transfers easily form cigarettes to medium heavy weight cellulosic and acrylic fabrics,and then to many commercial padding materials,especially cotton,cotton blend batting,and polyurethane foam.
Further,with so many fire retardants being used,their toxicity upon burning should be tested.The toxicity hazard of fire retardant has been recognized in recent years.Non-commercial fire retarded rigid polyurethane foam produce an unusual toxic combustion product.Toxicity of fire retardant materials was enforced by US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC).The trend of fire safe furniture should be focused on design materials which would produce less toxicants upon burning but can stand significant temperature changes.
英语翻译5.Smoke Toxicity Among those potential danger factors of
5. 烟毒力
Among火,烟毒力那些潜在的危险因素被要求作为住宅火死亡的统治起因. 大约半偶然火死亡率归结于烟和毒气的吸入,不由于烧伤. 所以,毒力是火科学一个非常重要题目,并且不应该俯视在设计火保险柜家具. 毒性作用起因于对燃烧产物的吸入暴露. 对人的一般作用包括做能力和被削弱的流动性的减少的decisiou,导致无能力或死亡. 一氧化碳和氢氰酸是在一百个气体燃烧产品之中被找到的主要毒药.
Burning家具也许导致大量的高度毒气. 导致的毒气的数量非常强烈取决于燃烧的过程,闷燃,火焰传播、放热率和灼烧的材料的化学成分. 在家具的自然材料用途共同地包括木头、棉花和羊毛. 材料学的迅速发展,合成材料使用作为结构组分和家具装饰盘区. 尼龙和聚氨酯泡沫体是好例子. 作为二主要毒药,一氧化碳总是存在火,而氢氰酸在高浓度将提出,当nitrogen-containing材料丙烯酸酯,尼龙,聚氨酯泡沫体,或者羊毛被烧. 这解释更加与烟相关的伤亡为什么报告了.
Smoldering火比火焰状火也许产生燃料的极大地更高的转换向毒性化合物. 由于用于的复杂结构和被多样化的材料,被布置的家具也许容易地给闷燃的火. 经验表示,闷燃容易地转移形式香烟到中等重量级的纤维素和丙烯酸酯的织品,然后对许多商业填料材料,特别是棉花,棉花混合打击和聚氨酯泡沫体. 应该测试Further,当许多火阻化剂使用,他们的毒力在燃烧. 毒力危险阻燃近年来被认可了. 非商业火被减速的刚性聚氨酯泡沫体产物一个异常的毒性燃烧产品. 阻燃材料毒力由美国消费品安全委员会(CPSC)强制执行. 于将导致较少毒药在烧的设计材料应该集中火安全家具趋向,但是可能站立重大的温度变化.