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英语翻译求翻译 英语 1 春节在中国是非常重要的节日.像西方国家的圣诞节一样,每年都有春节.通常春节在2月,有时候在1月

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/25 07:23:51
求翻译 英语 1 春节在中国是非常重要的节日.像西方国家的圣诞节一样,每年都有春节.通常春节在2月,有时候在1月.(今年它是在一月的最后一天.)and它有15天.为了庆祝春节,大多数的人们都会买票,乘坐汽车,火车或者飞机回家and他们都会非常开心.大多数的人都喜欢春节.因为它是中国传统的节日,在春节可以得到红包–它意味着幸运的钱,通常能吃到很多美味的食物-团年饭.在春节,人们会去拜访阿姨,堂兄弟,叔叔,朋友.大多数人会休息,比如旅游,但是有的人仍然在工作.人们收拾东西,扫地.穿上新的毛线衣和外套.2 我和我的表姐在春节会放鞭炮.鞭炮有许多种颜色,比如红色,橘黄色,绿色.我们喜欢看其他人舞龙或舞狮.我们会拜访许多家人and得到许多红包,所以我们非常开心.但是因为我们有许多的家庭作业,我们不开心.3 我的外祖母为了团年饭,她会在厨房烹饪许多美味的食物.我和我的家人都非常喜欢吃这些食物and非常感谢她.有些时候,她不想做饭.所以我和我的家人会去餐馆里吃团年饭and花许多钱.4 在春节,我的妈妈会努力打扫房间,收拾东西.打扫地板,桌子,椅子-为了扫去坏运气.所以她会有一点劳累,所以我经常帮助她.我和妈妈会为春节做准备.比如:去商买年货-它意味着许多食物and制作漂亮的大红灯笼.春节后,我总会长胖,我向妈妈说,(译!)”春节不长胖,怎么对得起那些死去的鸡鸭鱼猪.”(翻译!) 5 在春节的前一天的晚上,我和我的家人会吃美味的团年饭.我非常喜欢吃团年饭-它意味着团聚(翻译).然后我和我的家人会看电视,与她们说话.12点时我们放鞭炮.说祝福(翻译)的话:新年快乐.身体健康.恭喜发财.快乐,幸运.
英语翻译求翻译 英语 1 春节在中国是非常重要的节日.像西方国家的圣诞节一样,每年都有春节.通常春节在2月,有时候在1月
The Spring Festival is a very important festival in China. Like Christmas in the west, the Spring Festival every year. Usually the Spring Festival in February, sometimes in January. (it is in the last day of January this year.) It has 15 days. In order to celebrate the Spring Festival, most people would buy a ticket, the bus, train or plane to go home and they will be very happy. Most of people like the Spring Festival. Because it is a Chinese traditional festival, the Spring Festival can get red envelopes - it means lucky money, often can eat much delicious food - reunion dinner. In the Spring Festival, people will go to visit aunt, cousin, uncle, friend. Most people can rest, such as tourism, but some people are still at work. People packing, sweep the floor. Put on a new sweater and coat. My cousin and I will set off firecrackers in the Spring Festival. Firecrackers have many colors, such as red, orange, green. We like to watch others dragon or lion dances. We will visit many family get many red packets, so we are very happy. But because we have a lot of homework, we are not happy. My grandmother for the reunion dinner, she will be a lot of delicious food in the kitchen cooking. My family and I are very like to eat these food and thank her. Sometimes, she doesn't want to cook. So my family and I will go to restaurant to eat the reunion dinner and spend a lot of money. In the Spring Festival, my mom will try to clean the room, tidy up thing. Cleaning the floor, table, chair - to sweep off bad luck. So she is a little tired, so I often help her. My mother and I will prepare for the Spring Festival. Such as: to buy necessities - it means a lot of food and make beautiful red lanterns. After the Spring Festival, I always get fat, I asked mother said that the Spring Festival long not fat, how to face all those dead chicken duck fish pig. \"The day before the Spring Festival evening, I will eat delicious reunion dinner with my family. I like to eat reunion dinner - it means reunion. Then I will watch TV with my family, and talk to them. Twelve o 'clock we set off firecrackers. Wishes: happy New Year. Health. Congratulation. Happy, lucky
再问: 哇,大神,谢谢
英语翻译求翻译 英语 1 春节在中国是非常重要的节日.像西方国家的圣诞节一样,每年都有春节.通常春节在2月,有时候在1月 翻译句子我最喜欢的节日是中国的新年,春节是中国一个颇受欢迎的节日,一般在1月或2月分,中国的人们都会欢度春节.在春节的时 英语翻译中国人在10月1日庆祝什么节日.春节是中国人的传统节日. 英语翻译将以下句子翻译为英语:春节在中国是一个非常重要的节日,通常在二月.节日期间,各行各业的人都尽可能地赶回家和家人团 英语翻译开斋节是一个重要的节日,相当于我们过春节,西方国家过圣诞节。在开斋节前夕,所有的穆斯林都要提前回家准备。开斋节要 英语翻译春节是中国人非常重要的节日,全国上下都非常热闹,每年都举办春节晚会.在每个家庭里,主人都会把家打扫干干净净,然后 英语翻译把下列文字翻译成英语,无视有道!圣诞节不是中国的节日所以不放假,中国的春节相当于国外的圣诞节,1月30日是春节, 英语翻译个人文章我们都知道,中方最重要的节日是春节,而西方是圣诞节.春节是2月9日,圣诞节是12月25日,中西方都是他们 英语翻译大师进!请翻译:再过2个月,中国人就要过春节了,春节相当于美国的圣诞节 英语翻译中国的农历新年也叫春节,在农历1月1日庆祝,世界各地的人都流行过春节.像世界许多人那样,中国人喜欢庆祝自己的传统 春节在每年的2月份用英语怎么说 每年中国人都庆祝春节.春节一般在一月或二月.节日之前,人们包饺子.用英语写