作业帮 > 英语 > 作业

求小学5——6年级的英语单词的固定搭配 介词固定搭配 单词形式例如:be going to + 动词原形 &n

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 08:34:56
求小学5——6年级的英语单词的固定搭配 介词固定搭配 单词形式例如:be going to + 动词原形            like + 动词ing 高悬赏~
求小学5——6年级的英语单词的固定搭配 介词固定搭配 单词形式例如:be going to + 动词原形 &n
1. English teacher 2. math teacher
英语老师 数学老师
3. Chinese teacher 4. have an English class
语文老师 上一节英语课
5. on Wednesdays 6. do my homework
在星期三 做作业
7.watch TV 8. read books
看电视 看书
9. play computer games 10. my favourite
玩计算机游戏 我最爱的
11. favourite fruit 12. sweep the floor
最喜欢的水果 扫地
13. cook the meals 14. clean the room
做饭 清洁房间
15. water the flowers 16. wash the clothes
浇花 洗衣服
17. set the table 18. make the bed
摆餐具 铺床
19. do the dishes 20. clean the bedroom
洗碗碟 清洁卧室
21. use a computer 22. near the table
用计算机 桌子旁边
23. under the bed 24. over the river
床下 河上方
25. on the desk 26. behind the door
书桌上 门后面
27. in the closet 28. a picture of my room
衣橱里 一张我房间的照片
1. do morning exercises 2. eat breakfast
晨练 吃早饭
3. eat dinner 4. fly kites
吃晚饭 放风筝
5. get up 6. go hiking
起床 去远足
7. climb mountains 8. climb trees
爬山 爬树
9. go shopping 10. have English class
购物 上英语课
11. make a snowman 12. plant trees
堆雪人 种树
13. play sports 14. play the piano
进行体育运动 弹钢琴
15. visit grandparents 16. draw pictures
看望祖父母 画画
17. cook dinner 18. read a book
做饭 看书
19. answer the phone 20. listen to music
接电话 听音乐
21. clean the room 22. write a letter
打扫房间 写信
23. write an e-mail 24. drink water
写电子邮件 喝水
25. watch insects 26. take pictures
观察昆虫 照相
27. pick up leaves 28. do an experiment
采摘树叶 做实验
29. catch butterflies 30. count insects
捉蝴蝶 数昆虫
31. collect leaves收集树叶32. write a report写报告
33. play chess 下棋 34. have a picnic举行野餐
1.on foot 走路 2. by train 坐火车
3. by bus 4. by bike
坐公共汽车 骑自行车
5.by plane 6. stop at a red right
坐飞机 红灯停
7.wait at a yellow light 8. go at a green light
黄灯等 绿灯走
9. traffic light 10. near the post office
交通灯 邮局附近
11. next to the hospital 12. turn left
医院隔壁(与医院相邻) 转左
13. turn right 14. go straight
转右 直走
15. get on 16. get off
上车 下车
17.take a trip 18. read a magazine
去旅行 看杂志
19. go to the cinema 20 . this morning
看电影 今天早上
21. this afternoon 22. this evening
今天下午 今天晚上
23. next week 24. collect stamps
下周 集邮
25. make kites 26. ride a bike
制作风筝 骑自行车
27. play the violin 拉小提琴 28. go to work 上班
29. watch TV at night 30. read newspapers
晚上看电视 看报纸
31. teach English 32. live in Beijing
教英语 住在北京
33. come from 34. plant flower seeds
来自 种花种
1.taller than…比……高 2. have a fever 发烧
2.have a cold 感冒 4. have a toothache 牙疼
5. have a headache 头疼 6. have a sore throat 喉咙疼
7. watch TV 看电视 8. wash clothes 洗衣服
9. play football 踢足球 10. visit grandparents 看望祖父母
11. go to a park 去公园 12. read a book 看书
7. go swimming 去游泳 8. go fishing 去钓鱼
9. went hiking 去远足 10. learn Chinese 学习汉语
11. sing and dance 唱歌跳舞 2.eat good food 吃美食
1.take pictures 照相 14. buy presents 买礼物
2.row a boat 划船 16. see elephant 看大象
3.go skiing 去滑雪 18. go ice-skating 去滑冰
①like/love/enjoy/prefer 喜欢 例:I like running. My mother loves swimming.
②thank you for=thanks for 例:
Thank you for coming=Thanks for coming. Thank you all for coming.
③What about=how about ……怎么样?
What about going swimming? 去游泳怎么样?
be(am/is/are) + 动词-ing 正在做……
My father is watching TV in the living room now. 我爸爸正在客厅看电视
They’re getting (起床) up.
①should 应该 What should I do then?
②must 必须 You must know the traffic rules.
③can 能,会 I can ride a bike.
④It’s time to 该做……了.
It’s time to cook dinner.=It’s time for dinner.
该上学了.It’s time to go to school.=It’s time for school. =It’s time for going to school.
⑤一般将来时be going to后
I am going to buy a new book.
⑥do, does, doesn’t 和don’t 后
Don’t go at a red light.
Stop talking, please. 请停止说话.
Please tell me something about your day.
Please walk (走路) on the right.
⑧would you like to “想……” ;Do you like……? “你喜欢……吗?”
Would you like to go shopping with me?
Do you like going swimming with them?
⑨want to I want to buy a new book.
⑩My hobby is diving. Diving is my hobby.
11. Let + sb. + 动词原形 让……做某事