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英语翻译1.翻译下列句子,注意增加一些动词,名词,形容词或副词使表达更通顺.1) The problem of poss

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 12:32:46
1.翻译下列句子,注意增加一些动词,名词,形容词或副词使表达更通顺.1) The problem of possible genetic damage to human populations from radiation exposures,including those resulting from the fallout of testing of atomic weapons,has quite properly claimed much popular attention in recent years. 2) Driven by the government's desire for a credible auto industry and by enterprises' need to achieve economics of scale,automakers have embarked on expansion programmes that envisage annual output of 600,000 vehicles by the mid-1990s,compared with just 63,000 in 1991. 3) In addition English is the language of commerce of the second language of many countries which formerly had French or German in that position. 4) The sight of those fields of stubble and turnips,now his own,gave him many secret joys. 5) With determination,with luck,and with the help from lots of good people,i was able to rise from the ashes. 6) My work,my family,my friends were more than enough to fill my time. 7)  The growth of class consciousness among workers was inhibited by continued high levels of employment and rising earning for almost 15 years,combined with the propaganda of views in the labor movement reflecting the influence of Keynesian theory. 8) Governments also took a strong lead in promoting more rapid progress toward gender equality by giving special emphasis to female education,improving family planning services,technologies to lessen women's workloads,and equal opportunity legislation. 9)During the recent months South Africa has promoted a policy of apparent reform,aimed at domestic coercion and at the deceiving of international public opinion. 10)In spite of all our economies and efficiencies and with any new programmes,basic necessary domestic spending provided for in this year's budget will grow to almost a trillion dollars over the next five years. 11)他想是幻想成为一个有着魔力般神力的超力,我们这个年代无数青少年也曾为此疯狂. 12)1941年,德国侵略苏联,日本攻击珍珠港,美国为此卷入了二战中. 13)他总是工作到2点才睡觉,第二天中午才起来,他一直想有所改变,但终于未能如愿. 14)我们的班长是一个真正的共产党员,他提倡顾全大局. 15)刘毅然坐在窗前,看着下面集市,熙熙攘攘的,让他心里不禁觉得悲凉起来. p.s 我不要翻译机器翻译的,希望高手可以按照题目要求翻译!
英语翻译1.翻译下列句子,注意增加一些动词,名词,形容词或副词使表达更通顺.1) The problem of poss
遗传损伤的问题可能对人类面临辐射威胁,包括那些源于这场风波的原子武器的测试,理所当然地引起了人们广泛的关注.2)被政府的渴望一个可靠的汽车工业企业的需要,实现规模经济,汽车制造商已开始着手扩展计划,想像年产600000车辆- 1990年中期,相比之下,只有63000年的1991人.3)除了英语是语言的商业许多国家的第二语言,以前的法国人、德国人在那个位置.4)看到那些领域的碎秸和芜菁,现在他自己,给了他很多秘密的快乐.五)下了决心,运气好的话,很多好人的帮助,我才能够升起在灰烬.六)我干工作,我做家务,我有朋友往来,这些占用了我的全部时间.7)阶级意识的成长是抑制在工人中持续高水平的就业和收入上涨近15年的宣传材料,结合劳工运动的观点反映凯恩斯理论的影响.8)政府也采取了强势的领导提倡更快速的进展给特别强调性别平等教育,提高女性计划生育技术服务,减少工作量,妇女平等机会法案.9)在最近几个月南非推动了明显的改革政策,针对国内胁迫和欺骗的国际舆论.10)尽管我们所有的经济和效率和任何新的计划,提供了基本的必要的国内消费在今年的预算将增长到将近一万亿美元在接下来的五年.(这是翻译英文的)
11) he wants to become a fantasy is a magic power like the super strength,we this s teenagers have for this crazy countless.12) in 1941,the German invasion of the Soviet union,the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor,the U.S.for this involved in world war ii.13) he always work at 2 PM,the second day didn't go to bed until noon,he has been up to have change,but finally without success.14) our monitor is a genuine communist party member,he advocated wagging the dog.15) LiuYiRan sat at the window,looking at the fair,bustling,let his heart can't help but feel sad up.
这是翻译中文的,我是大学的英语老师,希望可以给你帮助,ok?thank you了~