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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 08:34:24
4 The doctor was so excited that he fell on the floor when he heard what the old man said.
5 These things are difficult to say to their family members.
6、I was too nervous to say a word.
I was so nervous that ( ) ( )say a word.
7、Don't you think pets can help you become happy?
Don't you think pets can ( ) ( )your sadness?
8、Have you thought of a good way to solve the problem?
Have you ( )( )( )a good way to solve the problem?
9、My teacher often tells us not to frustrate our parents.
My teacher often tells us not to ( ) our parents( ).
10、Some of the boys climbed the hill ,and the others played games.
Some of the boys climbed the hill ,and ( ) ( ) played games.
1、要是她不这么忙,她就和我一起来了.if is she not so busy,she will be come with me
2、我们在机场不期而遇.we met each other in airport without any appoitment
3、Antonio把他弟弟藏起来躲避警察.Antonio hides his brother in order to avoid the policemen
4 The doctor was so excited that he fell on the floor when he heard what the old man said.当医生听到老人说的话得时候,是如此惊讶以至于到摔到了地上
5 These things are difficult to say to their family members.这些事情是很难向他们家人启齿
6、I was too nervous to say a word.
I was so nervous that ( i ) ( cannot )say a word.
7、Don't you think pets can help you become happy?
Don't you think pets can ( keep ) ( off)your sadness?
8、Have you thought of a good way to solve the problem?
Have you ( tried )( to )(find )a good way to solve the problem?
9、My teacher often tells us not to frustrate our parents.
My teacher often tells us not to ( make) our parents(frustrate ).
10、Some of the boys climbed the hill ,and the others played games.
Some of the boys climbed the hill ,and (other ) ( boys ) played games.
汉议英1、要是她不这么忙,她就和我一起来了.2、我们在机场不期而遇.3、Antonio把他弟弟藏起来躲避警察.英议汉:4 英语翻译虚拟语气翻译.(都用If only) 1、但愿我不这么忙.2、我要是知道她的电话号码就好了.3、但愿明天不下雨. 把句子翻译成英文1她帮助我学英语2他不想玩电脑游戏3她的弟弟从那个商店买了一件毛衣 英语翻译2、如果她看到蛇在她面前 ,她会哭的.3、要是他不快跑,老虎会赶上他的.4、如果我有时间,我会认真按时完成这项工 英语翻译1我知道她的电话号码和他们的 我们都不知道她的电话号码 2我知道你们的名字和他的 但我不知道她的和他们的 3 你 英语翻译1.直到深夜他才回宿舍.2.昨晚我们把车开得很快,希望能及时赶到机场.3.她在退休后仍积极参加政治活动.4.我不 以前我喜欢一个男孩,之前他也对我有点好感的,但是原来她有女友的!知道她有女友之后,我就一直把我的这份情藏起来!把他当朋友 英语翻译1、整个上午我们一直在等他.2、雨下了多久了?3、她教英语有多长时间了?4、从上周一起她就一直在写这本书.5、这 英语翻译1她被一生献给了教育(devote)2我把钱藏起来是担心被盗(fear)3除非受到邀请,否则我是不会去参加这个聚 英语翻译1 你给他的压力太小了,他一点都不紧张.2 其他人如果也能像你一样就好了.3 那个女孩和她妈妈一样出色.4 我只 英语翻译1 你的这一句话,彻底激怒了她2 你知道我有多么恨你 / 3 有你这句话就足够了4 他有点不给你面子 / 看在我 英语翻译翻译下面句子.1.我从来没有听到过他.2.自从他来到我们学校,我们就交了朋友.3.他来到这儿许多年了.4.她曾去