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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/23 00:25:23
Stream 从使用范围来讲,stream的含义最广,它指比river小的小溪、小河,又可以指凡是流动或流淌的东西,一连串的东西(包括思想意识等).;例如:
The stream is full of trout.河里有很多鳟鱼.
A stream of water ran off the roof.雨水顺着房顶往下淌.
The music evoked a stream of associated ideas.这段音乐使人浮想联翩.
Streams of people were coming out of the railway station.人群从火车站涌出.
stream of consciousness 意识流
brook 小河,溪.通常指从山泉流出的 stream,多用于诗.例如:
Sluggishly the brook flowed.溪水缓缓地流淌.
Small rivers and large brooks are both called streams.小河和大的溪流都可以成为河流.