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把可乐换成橙汁 英语怎么说

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/25 12:32:17
把可乐换成橙汁 英语怎么说
1 请把我的可乐换成橙汁.
用那个词翻译?exchange?change 要准确的话哈
exchange into ,exchage for 有什么区别吗?
2 请把我的汉堡换成2盒薯条吧.
3 这火开的太大了,/ 开的太小了 ,调小一点吧 / 调大一点吧
4 这饭菜太烫了,我晚会再吃.
5 明天一早要去帮同事布置婚礼现场,所以要早起./ 所以早点睡
6 我要1分中杯可乐,2个汉堡,1小盒薯条 总共需要多少钱?
7 请不要 重复提问那个问题
8 你们不要总说,相同的话.
9 他总是和网友聊天到深夜
10 别喝太多的酒,那样对你的肝脏不好
11 我希望你能早点回来
把可乐换成橙汁 英语怎么说
1. Can you change my cola to orange juice please?
 2. Please change my burger to 2 packs of fries.
 3. The fire is too big, please turn it down./The fire is too small, please turn it up.
 4. These dishes are too hot, I'll eat later.
 5. We have to wake up early tomorrow to help our colleagues with the wedding set up, hence we should have an early night.
 6. I 'll like to have a cup of medium -sized cola, 2 burgers and a small pack of fries. How much will that be?
 7. Please don't ask the same question again.
 8. Can you please stop repeating the same thing?
 9. You are always chatting online till late.
 10. Don't take too much alcohol, it's bad for your liver.
 11. I hope that you can come back soon,