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英语单词 want 的用法有哪些?

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英语单词 want 的用法有哪些?
英语单词 want 的用法有哪些?
want AHD:[wnt,wnt] D.J.[w%nt,w%8nt] K.K.[w$nt,w%nt] v.(动词) want.ed,want.ing,wants v.tr.(及物动词) To desire greatly; wish for:渴望:强烈地希望;渴望:They want to leave.他们渴望离开 To be without; lack.See Synonyms at lack 缺少;没有参见 lack To be in need of; require:需要;需求:“‘Your hair wants cutting,’ said the Hatter”(Lewis Carroll) “‘你的头发需要剪一下,’海特说道”(刘易斯·卡罗尔) To request the presence or assistance of:需要:需要…的出现或帮助:You are wanted by your office.你办公室的人在找你 To seek with intent to capture:通辑:以抓获为意图寻找:The fugitive is wanted by the police.逃犯已被警方通缉 To have a desire for.See Synonyms at desire 有…的欲望参见 desire To have an inclination toward; like:喜爱:对…有偏爱;喜欢:Say what you want,but be tactful.圆滑地说出你想要什么?v.intr.(不及物动词) To have need:需要:wants for nothing.什么也不需要 To be destitute or needy.贫困或匮乏 To be disposed; wish:愿意;希望:Call me daily if you want.如果你愿意,就每天给我打电话吧 n.(名词) The condition or quality of lacking something usual or necessary:缺乏:缺乏某些普通或必要的东西的状态或性质:stayed home for want of anything better to do.无事可做只好待在家里 Pressing need; destitution:贫困:极端的贫穷;贫困:lives in want.生活于贫困之中 Something desired:渴望之物:a person of few wants and needs.清心寡欲的人 A defect of character; a fault.缺点:人格上的缺点;过失 want in 【俚语】 To desire greatly to enter:想要进去:极其渴望进入:The dog wants in.这条狗想要进去 To wish to join a project,business,or other undertaking.需要:希望加入某项工程、业务或其它事情 want out 【俚语】 To desire greatly to leave:想要出去:极其渴望离开:The cat wants out.这只猫想要出去 To wish to leave a project,a business,or other undertaking.想要出去:希望离开某项工程、业务或其他事情 Middle English wanten [to be lacking] 中古英语 wanten [缺少] from Old Norse vanta * see eu- 2 源自 古斯堪的纳维亚语 vanta *参见 eu- 2 want“er n.(名词) want“less adj.(形容词) want“lessness n.(名词) When want is followed immediately by an infinitive construction,it does not take for :I want you to go (not want for you ).When want and the infinitive are separated in the sentence,however,for is used:What I want is for you to go.I want very much for you to go.See Usage Note at wish 当want 后紧跟一个不定式结构的时候,它不能接 for :I want you to go(我希望你走) (不是 want for you ).但是当 want 和不定式在句中分开的时候,for 就用于此:我所希望的是你离开.我非常希望你离开 参见 wish want [wRnt; @) wC:nt] vt.,vi.(常与to连用)要,想要;想得到 Did You Want to Tell Me something?你想告诉我什么吗?His wife wanted him to repair their son's bicycle!他妻子叫他去给他们的儿子修理自行车!They want good jobs.她们想要好的工作.I want a bicycle for my birthday.我生日的时候想要一辆自行车.需要 The house wants painting.房子需要油漆了.I want sb.to help me.我需要有人帮助我.(常与to连用)应该,得 You want to see a doctor at once.你应该马上去看医生.(常与for连用)缺少; 没有;不够 His answer wants politeness.他的回答不够礼貌.通缉;追捕 He is wanted man.他是个被通缉的人.want n.(常与of连用)缺少;没有;不够 The plants died from want of water.植物因缺水而枯萎.贫困 be now in want 生活在贫困之中 (pl) 需求 want 来自古英语 wan 不足,欠缺