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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/07 19:17:11
How to say, this is a long time ago I read is the first I really appreciate the friendship of some of this stuff about the movie now! Originally on the great friendship, but has no specific form to express. I moved to Amir Hassan Master of the kind of loyalty, even when watching this movie more than once, especially tears of Amir Hassan said the phrase "for you thousands of times." But then Amir betrayed Hassan Master but I do not hate him, I know he carries the kind of evil and their unforgivable, but he is a cowardly timid child. Embarked on a return to Houamier adult atonement course, that part of the atonement with the cost of the course of life I once again saw the Master Amir Hassan and the friendship between the share of innocence. Hassan authors describe the kind of pure and simple loyalty was heartbreak, but also to the kind of ambivalence and Amir heart of pure description of the head. People often think it is not the children of Afghanistan are so great and so have pure friendship. "Betrayal of friendship" to sound so unforgivable, but when you read "The Kite Runner," you will see the salvation of betrayal can also can be forgiven and even people moving. Film where everyone has reasons for moving people, Amir's father, Rahim, Ali . everyone has their own story and emotion.
In such a world of dashing material desires, "The Kite Runner" is not a trace can find their own spiritual consolation, at least to their own re-examine your own attitude of loyalty and friendship.
英语翻译怎么说,这是我很早以前就看过的也是第一部让我真正领会到一些关于友谊这种东西的电影吧!本来友情就伟大,只是一直没有 外星人科幻电影很早以前看过的一部关于外星人的电影,但影片的主要内容不是在外星,也没有奇形怪状的外星人,影片的主角是外星来 求翻译:我本来想下载一部关于tom的电影,这样我就可以从上课看到下课了. 关于火山爆发的电影我小时候看过一部这样的电影,现在回想起来又想回味一下,不过就想不起电影名字,就想得起最后的剧情...是 英语翻译在我看来你们通通没有才能,一个个都是笨蛋,才能这种东西,本来就是靠自己挖掘创造的,我也不是任何天才,只是比任何人 “这是我看过的第一部她主演的影片”,用英语怎么说呢? 英语翻译:这场电影是到目前为止我看过最好看的电影之一 英语翻译一个苦者对禅师说:“我放不下一些事,放不下一些人.”禅师说:“没有什么东西是真正放不下的.”苦者说:“可我就偏偏 英语翻译你说的这些话我很早以前就全部明白了,如果我能放弃她我还会让自己难过吗?你是了解我的,我一旦认定了一件东西,我就会 英语翻译我最喜欢的电影是罗马假日,这是一部很经典的电影.赫本的高雅、气质和爱心无与伦比,最让我感动的是赫本和派克的友谊. 我要对***说 是你让我感到了真正的友谊用英语怎么说 英语翻译我可以这样说,我确实爱你,但是,那是友情的爱,它并非很多人所想的爱情.人和人之间不是本来就存在着爱吗?只是我的爱