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1.A large number of boys and girls( )(play) in the park 2 Sw

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 00:33:24
1.A large number of boys and girls( )(play) in the park 2 Swimming here( )(need)great courge.3 A teacher with two students( ) (come)to us.4 Marry like many other girls( )(like)dancing.5 MY father and mother( )teachers of English.6 Phyics a very important subject.7 What the news from London?8 Much needed to solve the problem.9 People (like) to swimming in summer 10 The police (try) to catch the thief 11 Each of us (have)a frisby 1 the old taken good care of in our country Ais Bhas Cwhere Dhave 2 More than one person made the suggestion Awas Bhas Cwhere Dhave 3 Half of the students made the same mistake Ahas Bhave Cis Dare 4 something wrong with my TV set.Awas Bwere Chas Dare 5 the first two questions were easy,but the rest of them not Awas Bwere cbeing Dto be 6 My old friend and schoolmate in beijing Alive B living C are living Dlives 7 his new books Ais Bam Cwas Dare
1.A large number of boys and girls( )(play) in the park 2 Sw
1play 2needs 3comes 4likes 5are 6is 7is 8is 9like 10try 11has 1A 2D 3B 4A 5B 6D 7D