作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/24 22:32:04
1.The family is very big.这个家庭很大.
2.The family are very early risers.这家人都是非常早起的人.
3.This class has eighteen girls and twenty-five boys.这个班有十八年女生和二十五个男生.
4.This class are very bright especially in science subjects.这个班的学生非常聪明,特别在科学科目上更是如此.
5.The government are having an important meeting when I got there.当我到那里时,政府机关正在召开一个重要会议.
6.The government is planning further cuts in income tax.政府正计划进一步的个人所得税削减.
7.It was late,but the audience are still entering the hall.已经很晚了,但是这些听众还在不断进入大厅.
8.The audience seems to have enjoyed the concert.这群听众似乎陶醉于这场音乐会了.
9.The police is an organization which protects the public from harm.警察机构就是保护公众不受伤害的一个组织.
10.The police are people who catch thieves and robbers.警察就是抓捕小偷和强盗的人.
11.The public are very excited now that the concert hall is finished.群众们因为音乐大厅的完工而非常兴奋.
12.It was unfair that the public is not asked for their opinions.公众不被征询意见,这是不公平的.