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高中英语选择he looked at us hopefully and said"_____all of you suc

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/23 18:22:29
he looked at us hopefully and said"_____all of you succeed"
a.hope b.may
prizes have been given to those____ they think to be worthy of praise
a.whom b.who c.whoever
i'd like to meet ___ is in charge of here.
a.who b.whoever
(麻烦详细说一下who 与whoever的区别,thank you~)
put their compositions right是不是把他们的作文错误纠正的意思,那为什么不能说put their compositions correct?
高中英语选择he looked at us hopefully and said
第一个选b may在祈使句当中表示愿望
第二选a whom做praise的宾语
第三个选b是无论是谁的意思 ,为了让你可以区分两者的区别,你可以看一下面的详细介绍:
一、who 和whoever都可以引导主语从句,只能置于句首,不能用形式主语it代替.它们也都有“谁”的含义,但能否互相替代呢?请观察下列句子并选择正确选项:
(A) ________ leaves the room last ought to turn off the light.
A.Anyone B.Who C.Whoever D.No matter who
(B) ________ will give us a talk is unknown to us all.
A.Whoever B.Who C.Anyone D.No matter who
句(A) 的正确选项为C.whoever 的含义是:the person who...或anyone who...[无论(不管)是谁],前者特指,后者泛指.句(A)的意思是:无论谁最后离开房间都应该关灯.又如:
Whoever (Anyone who) breaks the law should be punished.
Whoever (The person who) told you it was lying.
Who will go with us has not yet been decided.
It is unknown who will be sent abroad .还不知道谁将被派往国外.
Who will be sent abroad is unknown.
Who will be sent to work there hasn’t been decided yet.
Whoever will be sent to work there will be given a large house.
二、who 和whoever都可以引导宾语从句
1.The how to book can be of help to wants to do the job.(09陕西17)
A.who B.whomever C.no matter who D.whoever
2.I wondered _____ the stranger was.
A.who B.whoever C.which D.no matter who
3.Give it whoever you like.
三、who 和whoever都可以引导表语从句
1.The problem is ______ will go there.
2.The problem is ______ works there will get ill easily.
【答案】1.who 2.whoever
四、whoever (conj.)不管是谁,引导状语从句(=no matter who).
Eg.Whoever rings,tell him I’m out
1._______ leaves the room last ought to turn off the lights.
A.Anyone B.The person C.Whoever D.Who
2.Could I speak to_______ is in charge of International Sales ,please?[2007 山东卷]
A.anyone B.someone C.whoever D.no matter who
3.______wants to stay in a hotel has to pay their own way.(08浙江卷4)
A.Anyone B.The one C.Whoever D.Who
再问: 你好,再问一下,为什么第一题不能用hope,是不是一定要加that? 另外,第二题是不是who在没有whom的时候也可以使用? 第三题我为什么不能理解成那个人已经知道管事的是谁了而用who呢?
再答: 再给你回答之前我先给你说,英语选择题是非常有争议的,像英国人自己做我们国家出的英语选择题作对的概率还不如我们,其实,英语选择题的本来意思是选取最优项,如果直接翻译过来是多项选择的意思,及择优的意思。我只是给你说如果你叫真的话,其实每一个选项都可以作为答案。