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英语翻译Once upon a time there was a girl who lived on the edge

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 17:25:43
Once upon a time there was a girl who lived on the edge of a city.Her name was Lisa.She was very nice and filial.All the time she had a happiness and wealthy family.She had parents and a older sister.In a Spring Festival,her father was not at home,her mother called to children:
"Let's go to your uncle's home.'
So Lisa and her sister started.On the way to her cousin's home,They met a robber.
"Ha ha ha..."the robber said,"Hello,dear woman and lovely girls.Where will you go?Do you have money?"
Mother said:"I have no money!And I can't tell you where will we go!"
"Tell that to the marines!Beautiful woman,If you tell me or give me,I give you $1000."The robber said,then he take out a sword.
"What do you want to do?"Mother said frighten.
"I want to kill you,beautiful woman and your daughters."
"Dear daughters,don't frighten!"
"So touching!I'll kill you,goodness and female woman and girls!"
The robber's sword gradually the woman's heart.Lisa was stand in the front.The sword was pierce her heart.She died.
The woman very sorrowed.She knelt and said:"Lisa,my daughter!I can't bear you go!"
At the same time,Lisa's cousin and his parents walked.They heard the sound,so they went to there.Then they knowed what was the matter,they were so angry.Lisa's aunt struke the robber.The robber was killed her.
Lisa's mother struke the robber.She injured the robber.But the robber not died,he killed her and buried alive her.
When Lisa's sister Minnie was run into a village and found a hunter.They came running back to the road at the robber was trying to killed Minnie.The hunter sent out an arrow and the arrow was shooted the robber's body.
The robber was never seen around there again.
The second day,Minnie,her father,her cousin,her uncle and her grandfather were bruy her mother,her aunt and her sister.
把最后一段改成:“In a day,Minnie and her aliving relatives buried Lisa,Lily(her mother) and Lynne.”
英语翻译Once upon a time there was a girl who lived on the edge
现在初一的小孩子已经到了阅读这种文章的地步吗?或者说是LZ同学之类自己编的么- -
“亲爱的女儿们,别害怕!”【其他的错误就不说,这里的原文,frighten是动词列!动词!怎么可以当成副词来用!这种低级错误是谁指导出来的- -】