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求答!英语单选10个!1.The doctors don't ( )that he will l

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/25 05:29:03
求答!英语单选10个!1.The doctors don't ( )that he will l
1.The doctors don't ( )that he will live much longer A.manifest B.articulate C.anticipate D.monitor
2.l suggest we put the scheme into effect ,for it is quite ( ).A.feasible B.eligible C.probable D sustainable
3.the old gentleman was a very ( )looking person,with gray hair and gold spectacle .A.respective B.respectable C.respectful D.respected
4.this book is expected to ( ) the best-seller list .A.exemplify B.promote
C .prevail D.dominate
5.that part of the city has long been ( )for its street violence .A.historical B .responsible C.illegal D .notorious
6.under the guidance of their teacher ,the pupils are building a model boat ( )by steam .A .towed B tossed C propelled D pressed
7.having finished their morning work ,the clerks stood up behind their desk,( )them themselves .A.stretching B .extending C .prolonging D .expanding
8.England's steam ,who are now superbly fit ,will be doing their best next week to ( )themselves .A.remedy B.revive C.revenge D .retort
9.if you want to get into that tunnel ,you first have to ( )away all the rocks .A.repel B.haul C .transfer D dispose
10.it took us only a few hours to ( )the paper off all four walls.A .chip B .shear C.stroke D .scrape
求答!英语单选10个!1.The doctors don't ( )that he will l
1.医生不要放弃他,他会活多长 A.manifest B.articulate C.anticipate D.monitor
2.l 建议我们这项计划付诸实行,它是相当的 ().A.feasible B.eligible C.probable D 可持续
3.那位老绅士是寻找灰白的头发和黄金眼镜的人,很受欢迎.A.respective B.respectable C.respectful D.respected
4.这本书预计至畅销书排行榜.A.exemplify B.promote
C.prevail D.dominate
5.那部分城市长久以来 () 为其街头的暴力事件.A.historical B.responsible C.illegal D.notorious
6.根据他们的老师的指导下,学生们正在建设一个模型船 () 的蒸汽.A.拖曳式的 B 扔 C 推进 D 按下
7.做完他们早上工作,职员们站到后面他们的办公桌前,() 他们自己.A.stretching B.extending C.prolonging D.expanding
8.England 的蒸汽,现在非常适合,将尽其能下周至自己.A.补救 B.revive C.revenge D.retort
9.如果你想要进入那条隧道,你先走至所有的岩石.A.排斥 B.haul C.转让 D 处置
10.它带我们去 () 纸张掉的四面墙壁都只有几个小时.A.芯片 B.shear C.stroke D.scrape
1.The医生不()那他将居住更长的A.manifest B.articulate C.anticipate D.monitor
2.l建议我们放计划入作用,为了它相当是().能承受的A.feasible B.eligible C.probable D
3.the老绅士是一非常()看人,有灰色头发和金景象的.A.respective B.respectable C.respectful D.respected
4.this书期望()畅销书名单.A.exemplify B.promote
C .prevail D.dominate
5.that一部分的城市长期是()为它的街道暴力.A.historical B .responsible C.illegal D .notorious
7.having完成了他们的早晨工作,在他们的书桌后站立的干事,()他们他们自己.A.stretching B .extending C .prolonging D .expanding
8.England's蒸汽,雄伟地现在适合,下星期尽力()他们自己.A.补救B.revive C.revenge D .retort
您要进入那个隧道的9.if,您首先必须()所有岩石.A.排斥B.haul C.调动D配置
10.it需要了我们仅一些个小时对()本文所有四墙壁.A.芯片B .shear C.stroke D .scrape