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英文翻译,高手请进.MENSA IQ TestAnswers appear after the questions...

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 02:32:43
Answers appear after the questions... NO CHEATING!
1. The maker doesn't want it; the buyer doesn't use it; and the user doesn't see it. What is it?
2. A child is born in Boston, Massachusetts to parents who were both born in Boston, Massachusetts. The child is not a United States citizen. How is this possible?
3. Before Mount Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain on Earth?
4. Clara Clatter was born on December 27th, yet her birthday is always in the summer. How is this possible?
5. Captain Frank and some of the boys were exchanging old war stories. Art Bragg offered one about how his grandfather led a battalion against a German division during World War I. Through brilliant maneuvers, he defeated them and captured valuable territory. After the battle he was presented with a sword bearing the inscription "To Captain Bragg for Bravery, Daring and Leadership. World War I. From the Men of Battalion 8." Captain Frank looked at Art and said, "You really don't expect anyone to believe that yarn, do you?" What's wrong with the story?
6. What is one thing that all wise men, regardless of their religion or politics, agree is between heaven and earth?
7. In what year did Christmas and New Years fall in the same year?
8. A woman from New York married ten different men from that city, yet she did not break any laws. None of these men died, and she never divorced. How was this possible?
9. Why are 1990 American dollar bills worth more than 1989 American dollar bills?
10. How many times can you subtract the number 5 from 25?
11. How could you rearrange the letters in the words "new door" to make one word? Note: There is only one correct answer.
12. Even if they are starving, natives living in the Arctic will never eat a penguin's egg. Why not?
13. Which is correct to say, "The yolk of the egg are white" or "The yolk of the egg is white"?
14. In Okmulgee, Oklahoma, you cannot take a picture of a man with a wooden leg. Why not?
15. There were an electrician and a plumber waiting in line for admission to the International Home Show," One of them was the father of the other's son. How could this be possible?
16. After the new Canon Law that took effect on November 27, 1983, would a Roman Catholic man be allowed to marry his widow's sister?
17. How many outs are there in an inning?
18. How many animals of each sex did Moses take on the Ark?
19. A clerk in the butcher shop is 5' 10" tall. What does he weigh?
20. A farmer has 17 sheep and all but 9 die. How many are left?
英文翻译,高手请进.MENSA IQ TestAnswers appear after the questions...
1.制作商不想要它; 买家不使用它; 并且用户没看见它.它是什么?
4.Clara 铿锵声出生在12月27 日,她的生日总在在夏天.这怎么是可能?
5.一些上尉Frank 和男孩交换老战争故事.艺术Bragg 提供了一关于怎样他的祖父带领了一个营反对德国分裂在第一次世界大战期间.通过精采回旋,他击败了他们和夺取了可贵的疆土.在争斗他被提出了与剑刻有题字"对Bragg 上尉为勇敢,大胆和领导之后.第一次世界大战.从营8 的人." Frank 上尉看艺术并且说,"您真正地不盼望任何人相信那团毛线,做您?" 故事怎么回事?
9.为什么1990 个美国美金是价值超过1989 个美国美金?
10.多少次您可以减去第号5 从25?
11.您怎么能重新整理信件在词"新门" 做一个词?注:有只一个正确答复.
12.既使他们是饿的,当地人居住在Arctic 从未将吃企鹅的蛋.为什么不是?
13.正确是哪些说,"蛋的卵黄质是白色的" 或"蛋的卵黄质是白色的"
16.在之后起作用在1983 年11月27 日的新教会法规,一个天主教人会被允许与他的寡妇的姐妹结婚?
18.Moses 采取了各性多少个动物在平底船?
19.一名干事在肉店是5' 10"高.他称什么?
20.农夫有17 只绵羊和所有除了9 模子.多少被留下?