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英语翻译Destroyed by traditional moral viewsTess has been affect

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 08:35:20
Destroyed by traditional moral views
Tess has been affected by the traditional moral views,which are very strict for females’ activities for a long time.It is a long history the fates of females are always under the control of males.A female has not right to decide their fates,and has to listen to the males of her families in her whole life.Tess is born to be associated with the old customs and the rural society at that time.So she is sure to be more or less influenced,such as her powerlessness,passivity and the so-called weakness.The cruel Nature’s Law—“once victim,always victim” is rooted in people’s mind; man belongs to the active group,changing social order,woman is in contrast.Therefore “women are always the final victims”.The same is quite true of Tess.She cannot but suffer the man-made law.She never thinks to gain equal rights with man.She has no any idea to resist.She is only obedient to the society,to the others.
Besides,In Tess’ time,public notions on sexual morals are that women must remain virgin before marriage,but men can have their fling.The sexual morals are presumably rooted in people’s rational minds,when either men or women engage in sexual lapses,the former would be forgiven and the later would be condemned.Insulted by Alec,Tess wins no comfort and consolation from society.Instead,“She is surrounded by a cloud of moral hobgoblins which terrify her ‘without reason’,she hides in the darkness,which she no longer fears,and shuns the daylight of social convention”(Hardy 32).When Tess and Angel finish their confession of each other,Angel’s reaction towards Tess after her confusion is totally unlike Tess towards him.After his casual account of his previous sexual experience,Tess feels that Angel’s wrong doing is just the same as her own.In contrast,Angel thinks Tess is no longer a pure girl of nature.He is pardoned but she is abused.Moreover,the whole society turns against Tess,which aggravates her miserable life.However,under these great sufferings,Tess remains calm and she says “ Past is past,whatever it had been it was no more at hand; whatever its consequences,time would close over them” (Hardy 141).Tess cares about the past no more; she cares about the unfair no more.
英语翻译Destroyed by traditional moral viewsTess has been affect
此外,在Tess所处的年代,公众在性道德上的观念对于女性是苛刻的,女人在结婚前必须是纯洁的处女之身,而男人则大可不必,甚至不必为一时兴起的放纵而买单.这种性道德大概普遍根生于人们的理性思维,比如倘若男女任何一方触犯了性道德所不容许的错误,那么你将会在之后的岁月里持续受到谴责,并且你的过去将不会被原谅.对于Alec的侮辱,Tess没能得到社会的同情和安慰.相反,取而代之的是,“她被那些毫无道理可言的妖怪们的恐吓言论所包围,为了避开所谓的社会封建习俗的光明,她只得躲在黑暗中,为的却是能不再害怕.(摘自Hardy 32页)当Tess与Angel相互说完自己的告解后,Tess发现,Angel所反映出的困惑是与她全然不同的.当他漫不经心的解释着之前所发生的性经历时,Tess意识到Angel的错误行径是由他相同的主观意识引起的.相对之下,Angel却认为Tess不再是纯洁的女人.男人的性开放是可以被原谅,而女人却必须承受辱骂.此外,整个社会舆论也转而斥责Tess,这一切都加重了这个可怜女人的人生.然而,在遭受如此巨大的痛苦后,Tess却冷静地说:“过去就是过去,无论之前发生了什么也无法再改变,无论它产生什么样的后果,时间都将会抹去它.”(摘自Hardy 141页)Tess不再关心过去以及公平与否.