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翻译成英语 大概一下就行 去年十一黄金周,我,爸爸妈妈和妹妹一起去泰宁玩. 汽车在高速公路上

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/25 06:31:02
翻译成英语 大概一下就行 去年十一黄金周,我,爸爸妈妈和妹妹一起去泰宁玩. 汽车在高速公路上
翻译成英语 大概一下就行
汽车在高速公路上奔驰,我们坐车上一边吃着香甜的零食,一边欣赏路边的美景. 。车窗外的风景在不断变换 ,田野、湖泊、山峦尽收眼底,远处蓝天白云,碧水青山 ,像一幅凌空展开的美丽的画卷。
我们穿山越岭,三个小时后终于来到了泰宁古城。一进古城我们就被街边的一群奇特的雕塑吸引住了,有将军骑战马、红军拉牛、红孩子站岗 ······我们来到大金湖,坐上了快艇。快艇开动后,山风拂面,格外凉爽。只见快艇后面水花溅起,形成几条银白色的长龙,漂亮极了。我情不自禁的把手伸到水面,飞溅的浪花打在手上,像无数颗珍珠砸在手心 ,疼疼的。这里红色的山,红色的石头 ,有一个美丽的名字叫丹霞。望着两岸湖光山色,那二重天、观猫岭、猫儿山顶等自然景观,在蓝天白云的映衬下显得格外清晰,令人心旷神怡。
翻译成英语 大概一下就行 去年十一黄金周,我,爸爸妈妈和妹妹一起去泰宁玩. 汽车在高速公路上
Last year,golden-week.Dad,mom,my younger sister and I went to visit Taining.
Our car ran in a high speed on the high-way,while we were enjoying our sweets,looking at the view becided the road.The views out of window was changing fastly,we could see all the world--fields,lakes and mountions.Clouds moved in the blue sky comfortablely and green spring water flow around the mountions.All this world was just like a amazing draw,crossing my sight.
We went through the mountions,at last arrived at Taining.We drawed by the strange sculptures becided the street.Such as the horse of General,the pulling oxs red army,the red child stand for safe.We came at Dajin lake and then got on fast-ship.After it start,I could feel the cool and fresh air from the mountions.The ship beat the water and made it go to the air,lined out a lot of white dragons.How beautiful it is!I couldn't hold myself and put my hand into the water.Drops of water beat onto my hands,just like Pearls,making my hands a little hurt.Taining has a place with red mountions and red rocks,it calls Danxia.Looking at the beautiful views,the Erchongtian,Guanmaoling,Maoershan and so on,so clear and made me feel free.
After we visited Dajin lake,we went to Shangqingxi flowing with boat that made of banboo.Shangqingxi is 50 kilometers long,and we could play in the 15 kilometers long area.It all took 2 hours.The Shangqingxi hides in the mountions and valleys,goes down softly.It flows around the beautiful mountions with thousands turning,gathering with thous mountions.This view was so amazing that made me think:It's just another world.And sometimes the swell of flowers and grass took away my breath,made the place just likes the heven.
The beauty of Taining will stay in my heart forever,It will never fade.But for the reson of time,we hadn't go to visit some of the places.It I have the chance,I'll go there and feel the gift of nature again.
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