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英语翻译I’m a volunteer for The American Diabetes (糖尿病) Associat

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 15:47:52
I’m a volunteer for The American Diabetes (糖尿病) Association(ADA).I am on the planning committee for a one-day cycling event called “Tour de Cure”.It’s sponsored by the ADA and the profits(利润) of this event are used for diabetes research and program funding.While I was talking to people about our “Tour de Cure” event in downtown Denver one day,I met a young boy wearing a red hat from Oklahoma named Jack.I think he was 10-11 years old.It was the jar of red rubber wrist bands (The American Diabetes Association diabetes awareness wrist bands) that caught Jack’s eye.These are the bands we give out to people who have diabetes,who have a family member who has diabetes or to those people who know someone who has diabetes.People wear these for a variety of reasons:in memory of a loved one,to promote diabetes awareness and to show support for people who have diabetes.Jack walked towards me eyeing the jar and then he said,“Can I have one of those?” So,I replied to Jack,“Do you have someone in your family who has diabetes?” Jack said,“No,but I know someone who has diabetes.” So I gave him one to wear for his friend.Then,Jack began looking at our “Tour de Cure” photo album.When Jack had finished and was about to go,he looked up at me and said,“Would you take a donation?” I was surprised to hear this from a 10-11-year-old boy,but I said,“Yes.” I took the lid of our donation container off as Jack was reaching into his pocket.His hand came out clinched around the donation he was about to make.It was my impression that what he had in his hand was everything he had in his pocket,as he did not count it.After Jack dropped his donation into the container,I gave him a high-five,as I so often do to acknowledge an accomplishment or an appreciation.I also gave him a handshake before he parted.After Jack left,I counted his gift—$3.00.I then realized that he gave all he had,without counting the cost.The heart of a child made me smile that day.Thank you,Jack.
英语翻译I’m a volunteer for The American Diabetes (糖尿病) Associat
我是美国糖尿病协会(ADA)的一名志愿者.我加入了一个筹备委员会,他们组织了一场名为“环治疗”的为期一天的单车活动.这个活动由ADA赞助,所有的利润都用作糖尿病研究和项目的资金.一天,当我在丹佛与人们谈论我们的“环治疗”活动时,我遇到了一个戴着红色帽子的小男孩,他叫杰克,来自俄克拉荷马州.我认为他10 - 11岁.一个装有红色橡胶腕带(ADA糖尿病标识腕带)的罐子吸引了杰克的眼睛.我们把这些腕带发放给糖尿病患者,如果谁的家人或者朋友患有糖尿病,那么他也可以领取一个.人们因为各种各样的原因佩戴腕带,有人是为了纪念他们的爱人,有人是为了宣传糖尿病的意识,而有人是为了显示对糖尿病患者的支持.杰克盯着那个罐子,朝我走过来,说:“能给我一个(腕带)吗?”我回答他:“杰克,你家里有人患有糖尿病吗?”他说:“没有,但是我认识一个糖尿病患者.”如此,我便给了他一个(腕带),让他带给他的朋友.然后,杰克开始翻开我们“环治疗”的相簿.当杰克看完之后准备走的时候,他抬起头看着我,说:“你们接受捐款吗?”
从一个10-11岁的男孩嘴里听到这话,我很吃惊,但我还是回答说:“是的.”当杰克掏口袋的时候,我揭开了我们捐款箱的盖子.他将手伸出来,去完成他想做的捐款.在我的印象里,他手里拿的是他口袋里所有的东西,因为他连数都没数.杰克将他的捐款投入箱子里之后,我跟他击掌致意.在他离开之前,我还跟他握了握手,就像我常做的那样承认或赞赏了他的成就.杰克离开后,我数了数他的礼物 — — 3 美元.然后,我意识到他不计成本地倾其所有.那一天,一个孩子的善心让我露出了微笑.杰克.