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英语翻译People across America are lining up at doctor’s offices,

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/29 03:22:51
People across America are lining up at doctor’s offices,hospitals,and even shopping streets hoping to receive a flu shot.However,many of them have returned home without one.
This year’s flu season is starting early and it’s already spreading quickly.Officials said that the flu has now spread to 50 states.That’s why the flu shot isn’t easy to find.
Help will soon be on its way.A manufacturer of the vaccine will ship 100,000 doses for adults,and 150,000 for children soon.Although this could be one of the worst flu outbreaks in years,experts say that the flu is not a very serious disease for most people.
“We don’t need to fear or worry that something very bad will happen.” said the director of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.“Most of us will get through this fine.”
Many public hospitals only give the vaccine to the elderly,children under two and people with bad health problems.Chris Rikon,a mother in Maryland,was able to find a shot for her 13-month-old daughter,but not her two-year-old son.
“I would have felt better if both of them had been able to get the shots.” Rikon said.
Gerberling also reminds people to use common sense during flu season.People should cover their mouths and noses when they cough,and wash their hands often.Children who have symptoms of the flu should stay home from school,and adults who develop the symptoms shouldn’t go to work.This simple prevention could prevent the illness from spreading.
Of course,there is always chicken soup to make you feel better.Scientific studies show that chicken soup actually does help people breathe better when they are sick.Scientists say that any hot liquid will help,but for some reason,soup does it best.
They say that the soup’s smell may be important,but they are not completely sure why.And if you don’t like chicken,keep in mind that the healing effect comes from the soup not the chicken.
英语翻译People across America are lining up at doctor’s offices,
美国的民众为了接种流感疫苗,在医生的办公室,医院,甚至是购物街前排起了长龙.然而,许多人都无功而返.今年的流感期开始得很早,并且已经快速地传播开来了.政府的公务人员声明:这次的流感已经感染了50个洲.这也是为什么流感疫苗那么难接种的原因.援助将会很快到来.一个疫苗制造商将会为100000名成年人与150000名儿童生产疫苗(ship在这里的意思是推出产品).虽然这次流感可以说是近几年来最严重的一次流感大爆发,但是对于大多数人来说,这次的流感并不算很严重的疾病.疾病控制与防御中心的总指挥说:“我们并不需要去担心是否会有糟糕的事情会发生.我们中的绝大多数人可以平安地度过这次流感."许多的公立的医院只给老年人,两岁以下的儿童以及健康状况差的人接种疫苗.Chris Rikon,一位生活在马里兰州的母亲,她只能为她13个月大的女儿接种疫苗,而他20岁大的儿子却没有这个机会.她说:“如果我的两个孩子都能接种疫苗,那么我会更加安心.”Gerberling也提醒民众在流感季节期间,要利用生活常识去应对疾病.人们在咳嗽的时候应该捂住自己的嘴巴和鼻子,并且要经常清洗双手.有流感症状的儿童应该呆在家里休息,不要去学校,同样的,成年人有流感症状的应该停止工作.这些简单的防御可以组织疾病的传播.