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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 12:14:50
龙袍的空地为明黄色,领、袖俱石青色,片金缘.上面绣有12个困龙及日、月、星辰、山、龙、华虫(雉的异名)、宗彝(长尾猴尊)、藻(垫玉的彩色板)、火(物体燃烧时所发出的光和焰)、粉(古代绣在衣上的白色或有色粉末)、米(古代绣在衣上的花纹)、黻(音府.古代礼服上白与青相间的花纹)的形象,其余均为排列均匀的"如意头" 、"蝙蝠"和象征富贵的" "字纹样.龙袍上并绣有9条龙,间以五色云彩.领前后正龙各1 条,膝部左、右、前、后和交襟处行龙各1条,袖端正龙各1条.下幅八宝立水,襟左右开,以棉、袷、纱、裘制,各惟其时.龙袍专供皇帝穿着,其他官员是不能穿着的,只有得到皇帝亲赐才能穿着,但在穿着必须"挑去一抓",以示区别.在明朝,经改制后的龙袍,称为蟒袍,成为明朝职官常服.
The imperial robe open area is the bright yellow,the collar,the sleeve all stone green,the flake gold reason.(Light and flame which above embroiders has 12 sleepy Long Jiri,the month,the stars,the mountain,the dragon,Hua Chong (pheasant's different),the sacrificial vessel used in ancestral temple (long-tailed monkey revered),algae (pad jade color color plate),fire when object burning sends out),the powder (ancient times embroiders on clothes white or colored powder),the rice (ancient times embroiders on clothes pattern),fu (the sound government office.Ancient times on the formal clothes Bai Yuqing alternated with pattern) image,other for arrangement even \ “pleasant \”,\ “bat \ “and symbolic riches and honor \” \ “character grain type.On the imperial robe and embroiders has 9 dragons,between by five colors cloud.Around the collar dragon each 1,the knee department left and right,before and after and hands over lapel place good dragon each 1,sleeve straight dragon each 1.The next eight precious ingredients set up the water,about the lapel open,by cotton and kapok,collar fastening up the front of imperial or ceremonial robes,gauze,fur garment system,each when.The imperial robe feeds specially emperor to put on,other officials cannot put on,only then obtains emperor to kiss bestows can put on,as soon as but is putting on must \ “select grasps \”,shows to distinguish.In the Ming Dynasty,after changes the system after imperial robe,is called the boa robe,becomes the Ming Dynasty official casual cloth.