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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 08:05:08
Could you tell me where is my bike?
Could you tell me why the wheather is so cold?
I don't know why does it so attract me?
Could you tell me how does it work?
再问: 麻烦告诉一下 Could you tell me where is my bike?为什么这么写 为什么 不是CAN YOU TEII ME WHERE MY BIKE IS ?
再答: where is my bike 是一个从句,tell sb sth .前面的Could you tell me 已经是一个独立但成分不完整的句子了。你可以找本语法书,查查从句那节。既然是句子,就必须有主、谓,这个从句又是一个问句,得把谓语提前啊。
再问: Can you tell me how I can get there?这也是问句 但是它不是how can I get there. 请详细解释一下
再答: 特殊疑问句 特殊疑问句结构: 疑问词 + 一般疑问句 ? 如: How did you go there? 你是怎么去的那儿? 但是,“who”引出的询问主语或主语部分相关词的特殊疑问句的结构与陈述句词序相同: 如: Who is dancing over there? 谁在那边跳舞? 有时“what”,“which”,“whose”也可以引出与陈述句词序相同的特殊疑问句。如: What is on the wall? 什么东西在墙上? 从陈述句改为特殊问句时,先将句子改为一般问句,再将(划线)提问部分更改为疑问词置于句首,特别要注意助动词的使用!如果只对主语或主语的修饰词提问,那么只需要将疑问部分改为疑问词即可。 具体的,不好意思,我有点糊涂了。凭语感吧!你要不问问老师得了!嘿嘿……
再问: where 在这里是做主语吗 还有就是 刚才你写的几个句子加上Can you tell me 之后怎么写
再答: 不是,主语是my bike.你说的where my bike is 这种是名词性从句, 疑问词可以用来引出多种名词从句 What he is doing(名词从句作主语) is a mystery. I know where he has been(作动词的宾语). My question is who will marry a poor man like me(补语从句). He told me which subject he likes best(作双宾动词的直接宾语). He is doubtful how the work can be finished this week.(作“be+形容词”结构的宾语,这种结构相当于一个及物动词。) I am not sure who will take over a task that will please veryfew people. Their success depends upon what policy they are going toadopt and how they exxcute it.(作介词的宾语) A problem arose as to who would succeed to the estate iftheir father,who was seriously ill,should die. Just imagine what a pretty girl this country girl could be(感叹从句) if she were properly dressed. He asked who the boy was.(动词 was通常都放在主语boy的后面) He asked who was the boy that spoke with Mary across thestreet.(如果主语及修饰语加起来太长,was可以放在主语前面。) 如果是这种状况的话,我只能很不好意思的说,我可能搞错了……实在不好意思哈!另外,你注意下着最后两个例句哈!